TurquoiseB wrote:
> This is just one of Willy's common troll tactics.
> He's trying to get a few people to "bite" on it
> here and get into an argument with him about it.
Well, Uncle Tantra, you could clear this up by 
simply posting the pamplet so we could see it.

> He's lonely. 
And then shut your pie hole and get some sleep.

So, you admit that you once passed out leaflets 
promising enlightenment in 5-7 years. If, so 
you are an idiot, that's fer sure. Compared to 
you, everyone on the entire planet is enlightened.
> "Enlightenment within five years" was right on the
> brochures. And then, after five years, it changed
> to "5 to 7 years," and then, "impossible without
> attending these additional courses we offer," and
> now... Well, now it seems to me that very few 
> people *within* the TM movement assume that they
> will realize their enlightenment in this life *at
> all*. Those who seem to have realized the nature
> of what has always already been present for them
> have left the TM movement in the dust.
> And, if you think about it, that's kinda approp-
> riate. When you find that the organization that
> makes money by promising you enlightenment "someday"
> (always in the future) is doing so to make money
> from you Here And Now, you start looking in other
> places for the enlightenment, places in which it
> costs nothing. Like in every breath you take and
> every step you take. Like in the phrase that the
> inhabitants of Aldous Huxley's "Island" used to
> use as a greeting/reminder, "Here and now, boys."
> If enlightenment can be likened to awakening from
> the dream of non-enlightenment, then perhaps the
> TMO can be excused for selling "We can help you 
> to wake up, but not just yet" all these years.
> They're selling Just Another Dream of Non-Enlight-
> enment. Five years. Five to seven years. Thirty-
> five years. What's the difference, really? "Waking 
> up" to the always-already-present nature of one's
> enlightenment is *always* Here And Now, and when
> that happens you realize that the whole *world*
> has been lying to you about how far "away" in
> time enlightenment is, not just the TMO and not
> just the salesmen who've been hitting you up for 
> money to bring it "closer." It's always been close; 
> it's always been Here And Now. It still is.
> Five to seven years? Five to seven lifetimes?
> Right here, right now? Your call.

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