Subject: Vedic Pandit Update #4
From: Raja Wynne <maillist @>
Date: Wed, 11 Apr 2007

  [Global Country of World Peace]
Dear Supporters of Permanent Invincibility for America,

We thought you would enjoy seeing these pictures of the newest group of
Vedic Pandits from India. The Pandits arrived last Friday and went
straight to their new campus in Maharishi Vedic City. This was the 10th
group of Vedic Pandits to arrive since October.

There are now almost 500 Vedic Pandits here on two campuses and more
groups will continue to arrive until there are 1050 Vedic Pandits to
raise our numbers flying each day on the Invincible America Assembly to
2500.  The Vedic Pandits from India are blessing America with

Jai Guru Dev.

Raja Wynne
  [Photo1]   Assembly Hall Awaiting
Arrival of the Pandits    [Photo2]   Inaugural Ceremony
for the New Campus      [Photo2]   Pandits on the New Campus Crowning
America with Invincibility

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