There has been a lot of talk talk talk lately about
how to "solve" the "violence problem" in America. Many
have suggested that the problem is caused by Bad Guns
and that it can be solved by banning them. I think 
they're focusing on the symptom and ignoring the cause 
of the disease, which is Bad Writing.

Joseph Campbell and others have written persuasively
about the power of myth. And Campbell, at least, was
hip enough to define "myth" as That Which We See Around
Us Most Often And Thus Are Most Influenced By. For most 
of the people in America, that means that *their* myths 
consist of what they see and hear on the Nightly News, 
read in newspapers, or see on TV and in the movies they 
watch. And what is the common denominator of *all* of 
these sources of modern myth? It's the WRITERS, dummy.

If you want to find the source of what is wrong with
America, look at the PLOTLINES of the myths they read
and watch. The problems that they see on the News or 
on TV and in movies are almost always "solved" by  
either killing someone or putting them in jail. So,
having grown up on a steady diet of seeing these two
options presented as pretty much the *only* options,
what do they do in their personal lives? Well, duh.

The problem is in the WRITERS! The people who write 
the scripts for the newscasters, and the newspaper 
articles, and the TV shows and the movies are just
Bad Writers. They have no fuckin' IMAGINATION. The
only solutions they *can* imagine to problems are
to kill someone or put them in jail. 

It's been a problem in myth since there were myths.
Look at the Bible -- pretty much cover-to-cover violence
and problems "solved" by resorting to violence. Look at
the Bhagavad-Gita, in which the Big Blue God spends 18
chapters or so trying to convince his limo driver that
the way to solve not only society's problems but his 
own spiritual problems is to go out and kill as many
people as possible. Lack of IMAGINATION, I tell you.

Forget all this "ban guns" stuff. As I said earlier, if
you banned guns, they'd just use something else, because
pretty much all of the myths they've ever heard in their
entire lives have presented them with a "solution" to
their problems that involves either killing someone or
putting them in jail. 

BAN BAD WRITERS! Get rid of all the reporters whose 
imagination is so impoverished that all they can think of 
to write about is stories about humans killing other humans 
or putting other humans in jail. Get rid of the TV writers
and the screenwriters who are so unintelligent and so 
lacking in imagination that they churn out endless 
iterations of the same themes. Line the motherfuckers all 
up against a wall and shoot them, or put them in jail. 

( Just kidding about that last sentence -- I think a more 
suitable punishment for these guys would be to put them all 
in the same room and let them bore each other to death. :-)

Then start training a new generation of writers who have
some IMAGINATION, ferchrissakes, and can come up with some
myths that are worth reading and worth watching. Recruit
them from kids who grew up on the myths created by people
like Gandhi or Buddha or Martin Luther King, and who can
thus think of more than two solutions to the problems of
the world. Then let these new writers start writing the 
News, and the TV shows, and the movies, and see what 

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