In a message dated 4/23/2007 9:32:44 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

On Apr  23, 2007, at 6:50 AM, Dome Announcements wrote:

> Two ways to hit  the target
> *   We all come just a little more often  — 11% as a group.
> *   We all inspire just a few more  of our out-of-town Sidha friends to 
> join
> us.

*   The geniuses in the course office stop stop rejecting people who 
actually  *want* to be in the Domes.  For everyone else, it's pretty 
much  over.

> Every Yogic Flyer is so very precious — to the group, to our  country, 
> and to
> our world.

Except, of course, when  they aren't.


> I know that some of you think I talk to much about this situation but  it 
is so important. Unfortunately the Department for the Development of  
Consciousness which OK's the badges and let's Sidha's in the dome is sleeping 
on  this. 
Let's face it-They only have their office open two hours a day to give out  
badges. If they care about world peace they can do two things: 1. Extend office 
 hours. 2. Let Sidha's in who are doing their program on a regular basis and 
who  are of sound mind/body/spirit and overlook their personal choices that 
they make  spiritually when they are on their own time. These kinds of choices 
is what  would make America Invincible. It is unfortunate that those who are in 
 leadership positions in the TMO are not helping MMY programs expand. And as 
we  move into Pluto conjuncting the galactic center for the month of July it 
becomes  even more important. 

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