Hi Rick,

So many of the letters I have written in the last year are tied in to 
what is taking place. What I mean by that is part of what Swami G 
refers to as a different level of consciousness is that one moves more 
in the direction of being in the present. That literally is my 
experience and it is an experience, no words explain an experience.

It is part of it to be more in the present, again here I go with some 
words, but what is happening to me is this inner silence, directly 
relating to the kundalini awakening, as if drowns out the mind, and the 
memory. Hard to explain but doesnt that sound scary? hhahaaa. It is the 
inner calm or silence which is responsible for this. Now, it is not 
enlightenment for me, which means acording to Swami G that there is 
just One, no two. Therefore it is not one with the universe as that is 
two, duality. Now, along the way for me , there still are thoughts 
coming and going. There also was in TM yet maybe many know this 
experience where even with the thoughts going on, there was some sort 
of what Swami G calls flow, and what TM call acting more in accordance 
with the laws of nature.

So, it appears there are different levels of flow. I had it in TM, not 
only were my meditations deep, but in the last five years or so, there 
was more than just flow but bliss not only in meditation but often 
throughout the whole day. I think many in TM who have or had stuck with 
it for a while know about this flow as experience. I also had this flow 
with TM, daily life was more easy going overall, things that needed to 
take place did, etc. Again when I first ran into Swami G on the net and 
in person, I conveyed all my experiences, including how I was in bliss 
often. Some of Swami G's responses were that Bliss is a difficult place 
to evolve from and there is much deeper and further to go.

FFL is a discussion group amongt those who join, I guess there is quite 
of mixture of backgrounds, and as i recall quite differing opinions 
about almost anything. In comparison, one  of Swami G's yahoo groups 
just formed is also a possibility of an exchange but it is an online 
ashram, all formalities are in place, and the Guru is right there 
reading all posts that come in and responding to almost every one. It 
is a very different sort of forum than FFL. The other TM forums, 
siddhayoga, etc seem to have less of opinions by the students, but it 
appears sometimes they do, and sometimes it even gets into name calling.

Anyway, Kundalini is a topic of my interest as I knew nothing about it 
before, just heard some things. I have heard Maharishi has made 
comments about it but I have never heard any. I read one supposed 
comment where Charlie said Maharishi said don't awaken kundalini for 
you will put yourself on fire and no one will be there to put it out. I 
can say now looking back that the kundalini was lightly started to 
awaken in TM. I told Swami G that for which she responded - what good 
it that?

Kundalini is like the roto rooter of consciousness, doing it's own work 
clearing the pathways, unfolding higher consciosness. Yes, it is 
advantageos to have an awakened Kundalini, this is my direct 
experience. However, I do remember one fellow in TM that claimed the 
Kundalini was flowing, I think it may have been so and he was going 
through a lot of suffering. He was a purusha member at times but I have 
heard that today he wants nothing to do with TM. I wrote him recently 
and he did not respond. At the time he was going through this, 
coincidently, I was asked to check his meditation during the 7000 
course, then I reported to the one over me, who then reported to 

I am rather certain that there really was no help for him after this 
guidence was offered. I would say it was not known how to guide him. By 
comparison, there is one in my path here that had a spontaneous 
kundalini awakening and then searching the internet, found Swami G. 
When she arrived some years ago, she was a wreck, with black circles 
under her eyes, couln't work , etc. Now, she is next in line in this 
path, and Swami G said she has just one attachement left and is very 
close to Realization.

You can see a video of her - Swami Siddhananda, doing spontaneous 
kriays, along with 10 other videos on my youtube site- sidha7001, also 
a few more videos are in guruswamig  in youtube. By the way, Hello to 
all on FFL, I am not reading the posts there as of late but maybe a few 
of the members will leave some comments in the youtube videos or 

Swami G describes that kundaini awakening can be the greatest blessing 
or the greatest curse. I want to emphasize what a great blessing it has 
been to have this awakened Kundalini. I knew in advance that once it is 
awakened, it can't be switched off. This is why it is a matter of 
either being under the care of a Sat Guru, working one to one. If you 
research the great Guru's such as Ramana Maharihsi and others, the 
majority will tell you that without a guru, it is unlikely that you 
will make it on your own. Swami G just commented today that she is 
always interested to find competent Sat Gurus that are famailiar with 
Kundalini and can guide people but there are very few.

One just came up recently as a result of someone posting from Canada, 
and at first look, it may be that this is a competent one loacted in 
Canada. Swami G said more and more Sat Gurus are needed because more 
and more are having this spontaneous Kundalini awakening. Then are they 
just going to be some statistic or will this kundalini activated one be 
guided so that the best use of it is there, which means Realization is 
reached as soon as possible. One of Swami G's comments was - what Sat 
Guru would not want to see their disciples progress as fast as possible 
towards Realization ?

I asked Swami G once if everyone goes through this Kundalini awakening. 
The reply was who knows but I would think most do. Many of the well 
known Gurus did but this may not be known or recognized by many- I 
believe that was also one of Swami G's comments.


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