--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> On Behalf Of lurkernomore20002000
> Sent: Monday, May 28, 2007 11:57 AM
> To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
> Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Message from Ron
> Is this the same "Ron" who was a fanatical, abrasive, pro-TM, TM-is-
> > the-best, anti-everyone-else's-system TMer? Or is it another Ron?
> > 
> > Same Ron, but he appears to have mellowed a lot.
> What is shocking is that he appears to have left Maharishi for a new 
> Guru. It doesn't sound like the same Ron, although I read only a very 
> small amount of the exchange. His postings used to be straight TM 
> dogma. At least it doesn't appear that he is prostelitizing for Guru 
> G. Only thing worse than spouting dogma about something, is finding a 
> new cause and then spouting that new dogma, saying the old dogma 
> suddenly became obsolete.
> He seems very balanced, sensible, and much more mature as a spiritual
> aspirant. And his writing style has improved dramatically. But I assure you,
> it's the same guy.

Transfinite Ron has evolved to a plane of
yet higher cardinality:

 Message 33361 of 33523  

From:  "at_man_and_brahman"  
Date:  Sat Aug 28, 2004  3:15 am 
Subject:  an offer that can't be refused

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
Ron F <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 > The thing is there is no satisfaction of a deep
 > and lasting nature on the level of logic, it is
 > not a problem which has its solution on this
 > level, it is a spiritual problem which has the
 > solution on the level of consciousness. This is
 > not a vague statement, it is something I can
 > elaborate on forever if requested.

 I think that I speak for all of FFL in urging you,
 pleading with you from the bottom of our
 hridayams, to elaborate on this very point
 forever, starting now, either in one infinitely
 long post or in an infinite series of finite posts
 or in an infinite series of infinitely long posts.
 We, of course, won't be around to read much
 of what you'll say, and the Internet won't be
 a suitable medium for your commentary for
 very long*, but those are mere details to be
 worked out.

 The ages of Mother Divine will come and go
 as fireflies in the twilight as your commentary
 expands beyond all limits that only she can

 The Ved itself will be exposed as an
 infinitesimally puny subset of your commentary,
 a trifling imposter in the fullness of Ronology.

 Go, Ron. Start now. We'll stick around for as
 much as we can, and we'll encourage our
 descendents to follow the thread for as
 long as possible*.

 *The infinite series of finite posts is probably
 best given the eventual demise of the Internet.
 As this technology, or later this planet, comes
 to an end, the discontinuities inherent in posts
 of finite length, some of which can be arbitrarily
 brief, provide convenient stopping points for
 moving your commentary to a newer medium or
 planet or even universe as the need arises. If a
 single post were infinitely long, somewhere in its
 middle the Earth could be consumed by
 a nova-stage sol or intersecting cosmic string,
 for example, providing no node for you to find
 another planet from which to continue working.

 **For so long as our species stays attentive and
 continues to exist, or other intelligent species
 get and stay involved, you will probably want to
 make occasional shifts in the language of your
 commentary from early 21st century American
 English to newer forms of English and later
 languages. You might want to learn Sanskrit
 before you start the commentary. It is nature's
 language and should be so for the duration of
 your infinite project, but few beings will
 understand you, if that matters. As a professional
 proofreader, I'd be happy to proofread your
 commentary for the rest of my comparatively
 meaningless life. I charge by the hour.

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