--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On May 31, 2007, at 6:13 PM, Alex Stanley wrote:
> >> What nonsense, Alex.  Whatever the alleged reason, it does not give
> >> them license to act like pr*cks.
> >
> > IMO, the fact that the pork industry paid for laws to be passed that
> > allow zero local control of such quality-of-life destroying,
> > environmental nuisances leaves VC little choice. Ugly laws let farmers
> > negatively impact their neighbors with these filth factories, and ugly
> > eminent domain laws may let one neighbor fight back. If anything, it's
> > a case of pr*ck vs. pr*ck.
> Yeah, it's a shitty situation, Alex, I agree with you.  But in this 
> particular case, starting  a petition, writing letters to the 
> newspaper, and about a hundred other ways of alerting people to a 
> potential problem would be a lot more effective than basically trying 
> to steal someone's farm for pennies.  That just alienates most others 
> who might have agreed with them had they not been so underhanded.
> And if this does go through--which I  doubt at this point--wouldn't 
> that be proof if ever there was proof, of how effective karma can be?  
> And aren't they the ones who are always rationalizing other's bad luck 
> by saying it's just their karma coming back?  Well, now maybe they'll 
> get a whiff of their own--one load of crap wafting in the direction of 
> another.  Perfect poetic justice if you ask me.
> Sal
     What a mean-spirited perspective - Lighten - Up on VC !  ANY responsible
community would ACTIVELY attempt to prevent installation of a hog lot, and 
the process of eminent domain is justified in this case. 
      VC won't get skewered for using eminent domain to prevent the creation of 
a hog lot.  
Farmer Palm should receive monetary value equal to the farm's present use, not 
imagined value of what it might be worth were it a hog lot.  Farmer Palm is NOT 
good neighbor,  with his extortion-like plans, and his claims of being a 
victim.   Were he 
to continue the present use of his farm, VC would probably never have issue 
with him.

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