. . . according to Dr. Raj P. Varma. 

Dr. Varma was a longtime devotee of Guru Dev. They knew each other
personally. The following is taken from Dr. Varma's biography of Guru
Dev, 'Strange Facts About a Great Saint'.

---- Due to old age and exertion, His Divinity Maharaj Shri [Swami
Brahmananda Saraswati - Guru Dev] felt lassitude. His health ran down
and doctors were taking care of him.

On May 20, 1953, at about one o'clock in the afternoon, His Holiness
Maharaj Shri was examined by a renowned doctor, Shri Vidhan Chandra
Roy of Calcutta, who said there was nothing wrong with his health, the
heart was normal and the general condition was satisfactory and
requested Maharaj Shri to take rest.

Maharaj Shri reposed for about 10 minutes and then sat on the bed and
said to Mahesh Brahmachari [now Maharishi Mahesh Yogi] that his time
was over and that he would go.

Maharaj Shri imparted some instructions to Mahesh before taking
eternal samadhi. His Holiness said, "Due to continuous engagements in
preaching and the management of the Jyotishpeeth one thing sill
remains to be completed and that is to give a technique to family
people, in general so that by sitting and meditating for a few minutes
in the morning and in the evening every day, they might enjoy peace
and hapiness in their lives you have to do this remaining work, I have
given you everything. A son has to complete his father's remaining
work after him, so also a disciple completes his guru's remaining work
after him."

Maharaj Shri also directed Mahesh ji how his body is to be disposed of
after he had left it and the due rites to be performed thereafter.

With these directions His Divinity Shri Guru Dev at 1:15 PM San
Padmason, closed his eyes and became Brahmleem, i.e. emerged in the
Absolute. By Yogic way he left the perishable body which is a
structure of earth, water, fire, sky and air. -----

Guru Dev's body was transported via special truck, then train and
finally barge to the Kedar Ghat on the banks of the Ganges near
Varanasi. Enroute, tens of thousands of devotees and mourners wept and
crowded close in an effort to receive one last darshan from the
master. From Kedar Ghat, his body was transferred to a specially
constructed stone casket and taken by a fleet of boats to the middle
of the Ganges where it was lowered over the side.

It is documented in several written accounts that Maharishi Mahesh
Yogi, then known as Brahmachari Mahesh, dove into the water and held
onto the casket as it sank to the bottom. After being under the water
for over two minutes, he surfaced, took a breath and dove down again.
Onlookers were frightened that perhaps they might lose Brahmachari
Mahesh too. Finally, he came up and returned to the boat.

Recalling these events years later, Maharishi said that he too had
"dropped the body" while he was under water, but that Guru Dev had
sent him back. Several times, Maharishi tried to stay with his master
and finally, Guru Dev said to him,

    "Where do you think I am going? You are not through here. You
should stay."

From: http://www.srigurudev.net/srigurudev/gurudev/biography.html

In his book, God and Love, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi writes this about
Guru Dev during his tenure as Shankaracharya of Jyotirmath.

    "His policy of spiritual enlightenment was all embracing. He
inspired all alike and gave a lift to everyone… All parties found a
common leader head in Him. All the differences and dissensions of
castes, creeds and smapradayas dissolved in His presence… Such was His
Universality and all-embracing nature.

    His entire personality exhaled the serene perfume of spirituality.
His face radiated that rare light which comprises love, authority,
serenity and self-assuredness; the state that comes only by righteous
living and Divine realization. His Darshan made people feel as if some
ancient Maharishi of Upanishadic fame had assumed human form again;
and that is it worthwhile leading a good life and to strive for
realization of the Divine."

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