--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> What's really amazing is that he uses the same
> identical tactics over and over and *over*
> again, without any success whatsoever.

Actually, I think he's been *highly* successful -- he got you to bite 
yet again, didn't he? 

> He's been trying for *years*--here and on 
> alt.m.t--to get people to stop responding to
> me by pretending that "so few people bother to
> respond to Judy's posts any more."

Perhaps it's not really so much about whether or not other people 
respond to you, but whether or not *you* respond to *him*.
> Either that, or it's a wish-fulfillment fantasy.
> If he says "so few people" are bothering to
> respond to me, it'll somehow magically happen.
> And all the while, despite countless vows to
> ignore me, he can't stop talking about me.

And vice versa, like two mirrors reflecting themselves into infinity! 
So beautiful! Author, author! :-) 

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