
I have been inpsired, admittedly with a bit of bewildermnet, at your
recent clarion call (as I understood it) to correct all lies on FFL,
and hopefully beyond. And since injustice is a type of lie, or often a
result of lies, I asssumed (perhaps incorrectly) that your valiant
fight was also aimed at such broader targets in need of fixing.

And when I cautioned that we must pick our battles, we can't possibly
fight them all, you, as a valiant warrior of truth and justice (in my
eyes) threw such assertions to the ground, stomped on them as dirt, 
and suggested (as I understood it) that we must fight all the battles,
on every front. Inspiring, yes. Doable -- well, perhaps. I said, more
power to you. 

However, with a daily dose of lies, untruths distortions and poor
logic flamboyantly marching through FFL daily, I have been surprised
that you have not fought the good fight on all thee fronts. And
further, I thought .. people are being slaughtered in Darfur, the
planet is beginning to roast and the ice-caps melting, some are
sleeping on the streets tonight, others are sick with no healthcare, a
number of alzheimer's patients are in dreaded fear because they can't
remember where they are, who these people are, and even who they are,
AIDs is devestating Africa, the bush administation and a good portion
of congress continue to lie through their teeth, the education system
is in crises, smog chokes many cities, bad stuff keeps popping up in
the food supply, 12 million immigrants are in the US illegally -- yet
with little prospects back home, terrorists plot and plot, Iraq is a
quagmire, the deficit is out of control, medicare is doomed .. the the
worst lie, injustice and the thing that needs fixing the most in your
heirarchy of things that need fixing is that 2 months ago Vaj slurred
a story in which he made a low consequence assertion incorrectly??? !!!


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj <vajranatha@> wrote:
> >
> >
> > On Jun 4, 2007, at 7:09 PM, authfriend wrote:
> >
> > > > And all because you felt the need to trash Vaj.
> > >
> > > Actually not. Rather, because Vaj felt the need
> > > to respond to my reminder of his earlier lie by
> > > lying some more, again and again, compulsively,
> > > about his faux-Google search, until he finally
> > > got so strung out he became incoherent.
> >
> > I pointed out the precise nature of Gratzon's book as it directly
> > relates to 'do nothing, achieve everything', how he conceals the
> > principle with a catchy title
> <horselaugh>
> Right, Vaj. The title is "The Lazy Way to Success:
> How to Do Nothing and Accomplish Everything." That
> sure is a great way to conceal the principle, by
> putting it in the title of the book.
> > and how it links to literally hundreds of web sites.
> But none of that has ever been in dispute, of course.
> Here's the lie Vaj told:
> "if you do a web search for 'Do nothing and accomplish
> everything' the phrase is usually tied to get rich
> quick schemes."
> In fact, virtually every Google hit on the phrase
> is tied to Gratzon's book, which is not, of course,
> a "get rich quick scheme."
> What Vaj wanted readers to believe was that there
> were multiple get-rich-quick schemes--pyramid schemes,
> Ponzi schemes, multilevel marketing schemes, real
> estate schemes, etc.--out there being perpetrated by
> TMers using "Do nothing and accomplish everything" as
> the hook.
> That wasn't true. Vaj knew it wasn't true.
> Now, the lie having been exposed, in desperation
> Vaj is trying to pretend Gratzon's book is itself
> a get-rich-quick scheme. But not only is that not
> what he said initially, it's not true either.
> Gratzon's book, as I've already noted, is very
> much along the create-your-own-reality lines of
> "The Secret," but geared specifically toward
> business. There are no "schemes" in it. It's pop
> psychology/philosophy with mystical overtones.
> As Vaj knows, I hold no brief for Gratzon's
> approach. My only point is that it isn't what
> Vaj claims, a get-rich-quick scheme. Someone
> might well use the approach to attempt to get
> rich quickly, but that's quite different from
> what Vaj wanted readers to think when he made
> his initial comment.
> Nor, as Vaj also knows, have I ever suggested
> TMers have *not* been involved in actual get-
> rich-quick schemes, either as perpetrators or
> dupes. That wasn't what I was addressing.
> But Vaj has knowingly falsely claimed it was my
> argument, using all kinds of ad hominem: that I
> didn't know what I was talking about because I
> was only "on the periphery of the movement" (I'm
> not even on the periphery and have said so many
> times, but that's totally irrelevant to the issue
> of Vaj's lie), that I was a "course reject"
> (completely false), that I have led a "sequestered
> life" (laughably false), that I have "dissembled"
> and attempted to "suppress" something-or-other (by
> that time he was so incoherent I couldn't even be
> sure what he was accusing me of).
> None of this was true, not a single word, and Vaj
> knows it.
> > There was nothing more to say once the point was made clear.
> > I'd even go further and say that Mahesh's 'do nothing,
> > achieve everything' sales pitch is one of the more popular
> > new age gimmicks out there.
> Of course it is. It's been around practically
> forever in one form or another. That was never
> in dispute, Vaj's silly attempts to make it the
> issue notwithstanding.
> > Given my own first hand experience of the same phenom and
> > numerous others on this very list, it's pretty damn clear
> > what a dissembler, manipulator, red herring merchant and
> > liar you really are.
> >
> > Not that I (or many here) were at all surprised. ;-)
> In his desperate attempts to confuse the issue
> so as to cover up the fact of his original lie,
> Vaj has piled lies on top of lies. And he's still
> at it.

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