On Jun 11, 2007, at 3:10 PM, Bhairitu wrote:

Vaj wrote:
> On Jun 11, 2007, at 11:43 AM, Peter wrote:
>> How many of you saw the final episode of the Soprano's
>> last night? Rather lame, IMHO, with its lack of closure.
> We did. At first we thought there was a problem with the satellite
> feed. I even rewound it on the DVR to see if there was a glitch. Some > are saying it's to allow room for a movie or various alternate endings
> will appear of the Sopranos final season DVD.
> I would've been upset though if the guys in the restaurant had harmed > Meadow or the rest of his family. Up until the end I was wondering if
> they were going to wind up in the witness protection program.
> And how come Leotardo's thugs didn't think to follow them back to the
> safe house from the hospital?
> Pretty lame ending. I need closure! Now I'll have to go into therapy.
The clue to the ending was in Tony visiting Junior in the mental
hospital. He saw how he could possibly wind up plus it reminds the
audience that not all mafia chiefs wind up whacked. According to karma
if it wasn't his time then he wouldn't get whacked no matter how many
attempts were made. Joe Bannano (whose son I met once) lived to be 97.

Sometimes I wonder how much Barry Gifford who wrote "Wild at Heart" and
"Lost Highway" both films by David Lynch inspired "The Sopranos."
Gifford, who I met once in Berkeley, wrote a book about his father who
was a mafia boss.

Good show. Let it rest in peace.
What was with the cat? Was that Adriana reincarnated or what?

I suspect the DVD story might be true. A movie seems doubtful.
I'm very happy with this trend to do
shorter series with a planned ending. "John from Cincinnati" for
instance is a 10 episode series with an ending. In the old days there
were much fewer shows vying for your attention. Now audiences get
frustrated as things drag on and writers get bored trying to come up for
something for "season 9 of blah, blah, blah" just because it is making
some investors money.

I can think of several recent TV shows that had premature endings (Carnival, Northern Exposure, etc.). I think the Sopranos could have done a full last season, as in 16 or so shows.

For those like me not much interested in surfing "John from Cincinnati" is more about the people and little about surfing. The first episode is
character development and back stories for them. Excellently written,
acted and directed.

I Tivo'd it and will watch it tonight. Looks good, but it's good to have a review, thanks.

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