---MMY Vastu: orient your home E-W-N-S.  That's really brilliant!
There's more genius in bee brains.

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "dhamiltony2k5" 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "shukra69" <stephen4359@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > According to the ancient Maharishis, Vaastu equals 50% of
> > spirituality. It solves 80% of life's problems. 
> > "It's better to live in a hut under a tree than to live in bad
> > Vaastu," he states. 
> > http://www.kaleshwaravaastu.com/enu/vaastu_kaleshwaravaastu.htm
> >
> Dear Shukra69, that is old knowledge and ours is new knowledge.  
> Maharishi's knowledge is way more than 50%, it is 200.  They didn't 
> know shit then.  No peer-review studies, no nothing they got.  May 
> some inpiration of intuition; but, this is cognition fra a master 
> scientific.  Theirs is dead knowledge and ours, alive.  Shukra, run 
> as if your house is on fire.  No threat, just fact.
> Don't matter that businesses and people go bankrupt, don't matter 
> that people divorce, some people are bad or people git sick and 
> die in Maharishi=vastus, trying to be in movement vastu.  Ignore 
> mortality rates on Heavenly Lane on campus.  This is way more 
> important than that.  It is the turning of Kali Yuga and Maharishi 
> doing it by himself and with some help of some of us holding sticks 
> up.
> Get on the program you un-recerified miscreant you.
> Dear Ricky as moderator and owner here, that is no insult, just 
> and needs to be said by someone here.  No one hardly never sticks 
> for Maharishi nor the TMmovement or TM here on this FFL list of 
> yours. I just had to stem this flow of negativity here.  Jeez.  
> is wrong with these people anyway, i bet they don't even meditate 
> minutes twice a day.  You ought to remove them from this list if 
> their zipcode is not within 50 miles of this place.  They ain't got 
> no perspective or nothing worthwhile to say.  At least restrict 
> to no more than three posts a day, 
> However, these people, these late coming to the vastu-knowledge 
> complainers, ought to schedule an appointment with the real 
> and talk with Global Construction Co. a trademarked safe company 
> Maharishi knowledge on this subject.
> Jai Guru Dev,
> -Doug in FF

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