For personal stories of our dear Maharishi, 
  there's nothing like than the charming and powerful book written by Helena 
Olson about Maharishi's first days in the United States. The book first came 
out in 1967 as A Hermit in the House, then in the 80's daughter Theresa 
re-published it as Maharishi at 433. The latest version came out in 2001, with 
some fascinating additions, and titled His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi: A 
Living Saint for the New Millennium.

Mrs. Olson, with a degree in theater, skillfully tells of the comings and 
goings in the house during the several months that Maharishi stayed there. She 
paints a vivid portrait of Maharishi, fresh from India and knowing little of 
the West, yet most skillfully organizing, what would soon be a worldwide 
movement. It includes intimate question and answer sessions with the earliest 
meditators, very sincere and well-educated seekers, on religion and other 
fascinating topics.
She also describes Maharishi personally teaching Transcendental Meditation to 
many stars and celebrities – including a truly memorable account of Maharishi's 
initiation of a certain very distinguished "Mr. H," who Tina Olsen later 
revealed to an MUM audience to have been the wise and famous novelist on 
eastern philosophy, Herman Hesse.

Mother Olsen's book is really worth reading. [You can buy it at: ]

The second and third editions of the book include everything in the original 
without compromise, except for the deletion of one powerful experience of Mrs. 
Olson's, an experience so startling that she did not fit it into the book 
proper, but rather included it as a "supplement" at the end. Here it is:


Supplement to A Hermit in the House 
    by Helena Olson

"In January of 1959, I witnessed a phenomena for which I have no explanation. I 
do not care to discuss all phases of it, but wish to mention briefly that for 
two hours in the middle of the day, the sky above our home was filled with 
rainbows and masses of clouds which were shot with vibrant colors as they 
floated over our garden. We had no rain for days previously, nor was that day 
cloudy except for the two hours; even so, the sun shone so brilliantly that 
often I had to turn my head away from it, although clouds were near it. 

For one hour a lady friend who was staying with us, observed it with me. We 
both became fatigued from looking up. She retired to her room and I took a 
pillow, climbed to the roof of a small house in our garden, lay down and 
watched the display for one more hour from there.

At one time, the display became so overpowering I called on the Name of God to 
be able to breathe. The moment it was over, it seemed as though the sun had 
left the sky, although actually it was still shining.

All nature had been glorified. For about three days I felt unable to nor had 
any desire to speak. I told my family about it, and we were surprised it was 
never mentioned in the newspapers as many, many people must have seen it. 

I prayed to know more about it, and one day I mentioned it briefly to 
Maharishi. I could not resist saying to him, "Maharishi, did you come with the 
clouds?" He did not answer. Only smiled."


Looking back on it, Mrs. Olson said she feels this experience was a Heaven-sent 
[Maharishi arrived at her house about 2 weeks later.]
Jai  Guru  Dev 

 Alles was der Gesundheit und Entspannung dient.BE A BETTER MEDIZINMANN!

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