This is interesting, Amigo.
      Fidel 'bugbear' Castro often trumpets the superiority of the Cuban 
health-care system over other countries including US..!!
       Maybe Fidel knows that his country is rotting and just playing a 
political game to stay in power.??

ShempMcGurk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Date: Mon, 16 Jul 2007 03:45:03 -0000
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sicko

boxofficemojo. com
U.S. Release Date: June 22, 2007 
Distributor: Lionsgate
Director: Michael Moore
Running Time: 2 hours and 3 minutes
MPAA Rating: PG-13 (brief strong language)

Medical Profession Distorted in Emotionalist Diatribe
by Scott Holleran 

The Bill O'Reilly of pseudo-documentarie s, self-promotional blowhard 
Michael Moore, presents Sicko, a distortion of reality from start to 
finish that purports to address a crucial issue: health care. 

Having declined to review Moore's smash, Fahrenheit 9/11, and having 
missed his anti-business Roger and Me and anti-gun Bowling for 
Columbine, this writer was prepared to laugh, or at least chuckle, at 
the mess that constitutes today's mongrel health care system in 
America (and I've covered health policy for newspapers and non-
profits). But this hooey, billed as a comedy, is as funny as a heart 

Moore covers health care like Fox News covers religion and the war in 
Iraq—without providing essential facts. He starts with the claim that 
18,000 people die each year from a lack of health insurance, an 
idiotic assertion. People die. They die of cancer, heart disease and 
other causes. Individuals have a right to choose not to buy insurance 
(an idea governors Mitt Romney, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Ed Rendell 
reject)—and that means they choose to live without securing a means 
of paying for catastrophic illness. 

Taking personal responsibility is not among Moore's values. Neither 
is disclosing whether he met with communist dictator Fidel Castro or 
Cuba's Communist Party officials to obtain special treatment for 
those Americans he illegally brought to the island dictatorship for 
medical treatment, a low act of depravity, even for Moore, who tacks 
on a singularly offensive display of communist propaganda. How many 
enslaved Cubans died so that his pre-selected participants could get 
cheaper drugs and a new set of teeth? This is a country where kids 
are stripped of their milk ration at the age of six.

That the dishonest Cuba portion—morally repugnant to anyone who 
recognizes man's rights—provides Sicko's climax ought to tip the 
movie's theme that a society ruled by force is acceptable; the ends 
justify the means. That there is no right to speech, travel or 
association in Cuba, let alone the right to make—or see—a movie, is 
lost on Moore and his sick bunch. 

Tracked by overbearing music, emotionalist pitches—a diseased couple 
with six kids is shocked they can't afford health care in their elder 
years yet we never learn about how they chose to spend their money 
and what treatment decisions they've made—and a moral premise that 
health care is a right, Sicko grates on and on, neither making an 
argument or an especially interesting or amusing point. 

Key assertions are false. For example, when Moore blasts Health 
Maintenance Organizations (HMOs)—a term created by a leftist college 
professor, which Moore does not disclose—using the Nixon 
administration' s HMO Act, he conceals that the bill's primary sponsor 
was a liberal Democrat: Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts. That's 
right: the leftist intellectuals railing against HMOs are the 
bastards who created them—by force, requiring that American 
businesses include HMOs in employee health coverage.

You'd never know that from Sicko, which also fails to mention that 
every world leader from King Hussein to Boris Yeltsin sought medical 
treatment in the world's most productive nation with the best quality 
health care: the United States of America. 

Moore is on firmer ground when he points out that socialized medicine 
was expanded by America's current president, a devout Christian who 
agrees that health care is a right, though Moore doesn't describe it 
that way.

The fact—despite manipulative flashes of socialized medicine in 
Britain, Canada and France—is that, for all intents and purposes, 
America already has socialized medicine (that is the proper term for 
government intervention in the medical profession), and it's 
typically instituted by conservatives. Medicare—subsidized care for 
every American over age 65—is not capitalism. Moore ignores this self-
evident truth and the possibility that government-controll ed health 
care is impractical because it is immoral. 

Moore is no more interested in exploring morality than are the 
conservatives who shoved Medicare drug subsidies down our throats 
(emptying our wallets), leaving Sicko holding up one of L.A.'s worst 
hospitals—the dreaded government-run King/Drew medical center—as a 
model, harming his subjects with invasive camera crews and praising 
the idea that, in Moore's words, "one guy changes everyone's mind." 
We've seen that type of political system, dictatorship, in countries 
like Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union, where medicine was controlled 
by the state, everyone supposedly had health care—and no one had 


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