--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Not a single part of Swami Rama's statement is based upon 
> Shankara's actual written works or upon his transmissions 
> to his disciples. Scholars of Shankara would consider the 
> claims written below to be typical hindu nonsense. 

On the other hand, they'd have no problem with 
the notion that if they argued with Vaj about
any of these points and later developed an anal
fistula, it would be because Vaj had cast a 
spell on them, so I think the "nonsense" is
fairly equally spread around.  :-)

>   Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Recently I was looking thru an old copy of _Living with the
Himalayan Masters_ by Swami Rama. He is also from the Shankaracharya
tradition. He actually outlines the full path to enlightenment in that
tradition. I include it below for those interested in the big picture.
>   -Vaj
>   Our Tradition
>   Shankaracharya established an ascetic order 1,200 years ago,
though renunciates had already lived in an unbroken lineage from the
Vedic period. He organized his orders through five main centers in the
North, East, South, West, and center of India. The entire ascetic
order of India traces its tradition from one of these centers. Our
tradition is Bharati. Bha means "knowledge;" rati means "lover."
Bharati means, "he who is the lover of knowledge." From this comes the
word Bharata, the land of spiritual knowledge, one of the Sanskrit
names used for India.
>   There is one thing unique to our tradition. It links itself to an
unbroken lineage of sages even beyond Shankara. Our Himalayan
tradition, though a tradition of Shankara, is purely ascetic, and is
practiced in the Himalayan caves rather than being related with
institutions established in the plains of India. In our tradition,
learning of the Upanishads is very important, along with the special
advanced spiritual practices taught by the sages. The Mandukya 
Upanishad is accepted as one of the authoritative scriptures.
>   The knowledge of Sri Vidya is imparted stage by stage and the
advanced student is taught Prayoga Shastra. * We believe in both the
Mother and the Father principles of the universe. That which is called
maya or illusion, in our worship becomes the Mother and does not
remain as a stumbling block or obstacle on the path of spiritual
enlightenment. All of our worship is internal and we do not perform
any rituals. There are three stages of initiation given according to
our tradition. First, mantra, breath awareness, and meditation;
second, inner worship of Sri Vidya and bindu vedhan (piercing the
pearl of wisdom); third, shaktipata and leading the force of kundalini
to the thousand-petaled lotus called sahasrara chakra. At this stage,
we do not associate ourselves with any particular religion, caste,
sex, or color. Such yogis are called masters and are allowed to impart
the traditional knowledge. We strictly follow the discipline of the sages.
>   It is not possible for me to discuss in detail the secret
teachings of Prayoga Shastra for it is said, "na datavyam, na
datavyam, na datavyam" -- "don't impart, don't impart, don't impart"
unless someone is fully prepared and committed and has practiced
self-control to a high degree. These attainments can be verified
through the experiences of the sages of the past. In our path,
gurudeva is not a god but a bright being who has faithfully and
sincerely attained a state of enlightenment. We believe in the grace
of the guru as the highest means for enlightenment, but never as the
end. The purpose of the guru is to selflessly help his disciples on
the way to perfection.
>   Our tradition has the following orientation:
>   I. One absolute without a second is our philosophy. 
>   2. Serving humanity through selflessness is an expression of love
which one should follow through mind, action, and speech.
>   3. The yoga system of Patanjali is a preliminary step accepted by
us for the higher practices in our tradition, but philosophically we
follow the Advaita system of one absolute without a second.
>   4. Meditation is systematized by stilling the body, having serene
breath, and controlling the mind.
>   Breath awareness, control of the autonomic nervous system, and
learning to discipline primitive urges are practiced.
>   5. We teach the middle path to students in general, and those who
are prepared for higher steps of learning have the opportunity to
learn the advanced practices. This helps people in general in their
daily lives to live in the world and yet remain above. Our method, for
the convenience of Western students, is called Superconscious
Meditation. I am only a messenger delivering the wisdom of the
Himalayan sages of this tradition, and whatever spontaneously comes
from the center of intuition, that I teach. I never prepare my
lectures or speeches, for I was told by my master not to do so.
>   6. We do not believe in conversion, changing cultural habits, or
introducing any God in particular. We respect all religions equally,
loving all and excluding none. Neither do we oppose any temple,
mosque, or church, nor do we believe in building homes for God while
ignoring human beings. Our firm belief is that every human being is a
living institution or a temple
>   7. Our members are all over the world, and for the sake of
communication we also believe in education. Our graduate program
imparts the knowledge given by the sages, thereby fulfilling the inner
need of intellectuals.
>   8. We practice vegetarianism. We teach a nutritional diet that is
healthy and good for longevity, but at the same time we are not rigid
and do not force student to become vegetarians.
>   9. We respect the institution of the family and stress the
education of children by introducing a self-training
>   program and not by forcing our beliefs, faiths, and way of life on
>   10. Our trained teachers systematically impart all aspects of yoga
relating to body, breath, mind, and individual soul. Awareness within
and without is the key, and the methods of expansion are carefully
introduced to the students.
>   11. To serve humanity, we believe in examining, verifying, and
coming to certain conclusions regarding the yoga practices, including
relaxation and meditation.
>   12. Our experiments are documented and published for the benefit
of humanity.
>   13. We believe in universal brotherhood, loving all and excluding
>   14. We strictly abstain from politics and from opposing any religion.
>   15. Of great importance is the practice of non-violence with mind,
action, and speech.
>   The knowledge that is imparted by the sages and masters of the
Himalayas guides the aspirant like a light in the darkness. The
purpose of this message is to awaken the divine flame that resides in
the reservoir of every human being. This flame, when perfectly kindled
by spiritual discipline, mounts higher and higher into the vast light
of truth. It rises through the vital or nervous mind, passes through
our mental sky, and finally enters at the paradise of light, its own
supreme home in the eternal truth. Then the illumined practitioner
sits calm in his celestial sessions with the highest of powers and
drinks the wine of infinite beatitude. This child of immortality is a
child of universal parents, protected all the time by the Mother
Divine. This rapturous child of bliss remains divine will intoxicated
in delight. He becomes a sage, a sleepless envoy and ever-wakeful
guide for those who tread the path. Such a leader on the path marches
in front of human people to
>  comfort, help, and enlighten them.
>   Om, Shanti. Shanti, Shanti.
>   * Which explains the practicality and application of the
discipline one has to follow for this knowledge.
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