---"Is there (cyber) space for God?" Spadaro aaka in his article 
which says there are already virtual churches and temples serving 
countless religions. He quotes a Swedish Muslim who says his avatar 
prays regularly as he prays in real life.

Spadaro warns the uninitiated that "the erotic dimension is very 
present" in Second Life, that people can buy genitalia for their 
avatars in a world that is "open to any form of erotic stimulation 
from prostitution to pedophilia".

> Jesuits say take word of God to Second Life
> http://www.reuters.com/article/technologyNews/idUSL2777496320070727

Judaism on the other hand permits much freedom of belief on this


Why are people in the US focused on the beliefs of Christianity and
Islam (which appear to be considered inferior) but never dare mention
the beliefs and practices of Judaism (which are believed to be

Surely, not only do we need to recognize what is bad, but we also need
to be shown what is good, no?

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