In a recent conversation, someone mentioned Frankl's book -- Mans
Search for Meaning -- which i read some time ago -- but when I was
wrapped up in a TMO world view.

I began reflecting on it. Frankl, as I refreshed my memory on a
website, said there is not abstract meaning of life, but only meaning
in the context of moment, in any given action -- and having the
freedom to define that moment (that is the freedom to view any
circumstance in ones on view -- in a positive view.)  Thats my quick
take -- I am sure some of that is mangled.

I was wondering what others think. Perhaps there will be some cute,
some dismissive responses. No problem -- particularly if there are
some well considered views offered up.

Some tangental questions:

Meaningfulness vs purposefulness -- can something be purposeful but
not meaningful?

The TMO -- "the purpose of life is expansion of happiness." Fine. But
is there meaning in happiness -- and its expansion?

Socrates asked "what is the good life" -- a life well spent. is that
the same as meaningfulness?

SSRS said a couple of things that stuck with me. Paraphrasing "Don't
take life too seriously. It all doesn't matter" Sort of a nihilistic
approach -- but in a good way :)  Also "Don't Strive! Just drop it"
Thus perhaps leading to a conclusion that there is not meaning in life
-- life is hollow and empty.  Meaning is only in THAT. (or Dat)

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