I have no problem with accepting the allegation that MMY diddled some 
female devotees.  As I've said many times on this forum, MMY's 
fucking or not fucking Judy or Linda or Mia doesn't affect one iota 
whether my daily TM works or not.

What I do have a problem with is the dissemination, promotion, and 
continual reference to unsubstantiated allegations that bemirsch the 
good name and reputation of a person.  Indeed, regular readers of 
this forum know that I have on many occasions come down negatively 
upon MMY himself for unsubstantiated accusations he has made against 
the CIA (and that's not even a person, it's an organisation).  My 
feeling is: put up or shut up.  If you're going to accuse someone of 
something, let's see some evidence. Back up what you're saying.  And 
if you can't, apologise and retract.

And if you don't apologise and retract, then you are the lowest of 
the lowest scum.

I guess I blew my lid today because, for the first time, I learned 
from Rick Archer that Jennifer (or Linda, I can't remember which one 
it is), one of MMY's alleged paramours and accusers, is a lawyer.  
This is outrageous because lawyers, at least in the USA, are bound by 
a code of professional conduct to comport themselves in a specific 
way when it comes to ethics and matters of law, whether in the 
courtroom or out, whether in a case that involves their own clients 
or not, and whether it is in or out of their personal lives.  In 
other words, at any time.

Please recall that Bill Clinton, in the year after he left office, 
was disbarred by the Bar of the State of Arkansas, for his lying 
under oath when being depositioned in the Paula Jones case.  For all 
I know, he may still be disbarred (I haven't kept up with it).

My point is this: Jennifer made some pretty strong allegations 
against MMY.  Not only is she a lawyer but apparently there is some 
sort of papertrail that she either knows about or has access to.  By 
withholding such evidence after having made these accusations I 
suggest to you that she is very possibly guilty of professional 
misconduct and may be subject to discinplinary action, including 
disbarment (Hey, if Clinton can be disbarred for lying then Jennifer 
can be disbarred for casting dispersions on a celibate and refusing 
to back it up with evidence that she apparently is in possession of).

I am going to, separately, post some of the pertinent sections of the 
American Bar Association's Code of Professional Conduct that may have 
application here.  If Jennifer is NOT a lawyer in the USA then I ask 
Rick -- again -- to report to us which country she DOES practise law 
in and I can assure you that that country's laws and law association 
has their own code.  I'll then google that country's code and get 
back to you on it.

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