Note, the chat was while I was in the ashram, I started chating with Tomas, who 
is an ex 
purusha and worked in Maharsihis house for the last 13 years. Swami G took over 
chated directly with him:


It is good to not have to many rules to follow

the point is the grace comes from within, and therefore if one surrenders , 
then they do 
what needs to be done

Swami G just said that unfortunatly rules are usually in place for those who 
dont follow the 

Swami G knows I am here chating with you

Good greetings from me to her

from the fallen monk

Swami G said if you have questions, you can ask directly


I just talk to Yoram and he read what you wrote so he likes the thing,  will 
talk more with 
him later

Ron :
swami G just asked about the comment you just made- Fallen from what?

Joking - a ex monk

tired of celibacy and all the rules


Swami G asks ( as she is laughing) - what sort of identy is that?

Swami G:

Nasmaste and Om


Om Namaste

Swami G:

So you are tired of celibacy and what rules ?


You now all the things we learned on purusha

Swami G:

What is wrong with celebacy ?

and what did you learn ?

This is Swami-G



Swami G:

and ? what was learned ?


I do not know what I learned

Swami G:

then how can you rebel against it ?


But my desire to be a monk disappeared after 19 years as one

Swami G:

what changed ?


rebeled against it

Swami G:

and why the rebelion ?


I did something I do not want to do any more and I think that is good
But I regret it

Swami G:

what is it you do not wish to do anymore ?

forget regret - old history ...


I want to be free from all the monk ideas Like it is bad with relations,  bad 
with sex bad 
with outer success and all that

Swami G:

in order to begin it is important to know where you are .....


Ok I do not know where I am

I am not a monk but not a normal man either

Swami G:

there is a difference in non attachment versus aversion -

what is a normal man ? what is a monk ? are not both simply states of mind ? 
of one type or another ?


yes it one type or the other

Swami G:

the path is to go beyond the external (outward) attachments or aversion.

Consciousness needs no labels


Yes I understand that but how to do it I tried with meditation for 30 years

Swami G:

labels are of the dual mind clinging to a persona which is held in place by 
ideas about .

then perhaps the meditation was placed in a wrong direction ?

not balanced


My Guru teach us how to do it It is the same as Ron are doing

Swami G:

meditation technique and minds attachments may be many ...


So you give different meditation to different people ?

Swami G:

the same technique may be given but the way it unfolds depends on the 
foundation in 


I understand that

we are al different

Swami G:
basically the same meditation but guidance in order to aide it to go in a 
correct direction.


My guru did not have time for that He had milions of students
Swami G:
the role of Guru is to bring light where there are shadows and coverings. To 
help to 
uncover that Truth which is always at hand.

well i am not him.

different Guru's work in different ways to reach that One Truth which is 
Unchanging and 
forever Eternally Pure.

the Guru's job is to find out what hinderances are in your way and to help you 
to remove 


I had good result for some years with the medtitation And I got happines to 
work with my 
guru for 13 years but sudenly it was only emptines

Swami G:

emptiness in what way?

there is Emptiness which is Full without obstructing collection ... and then 
there is worldly 
emptiness without value ...


I get a spiritual feeling, fullness hapines by being around my guru and al that 
disapered and the only left is some kind of emptines

I think it is a worldy emptiness

Swami G:

do not depend on a personality - holding to a persona in order to give you 
happiness as 
that is Never lasting .


No have been thinking about that for some time My guru deliver some kind af a 
bliss drug

and I needed it

and then it was over

Swami G:

the Sat Guru is not a persona it is rather that Unchanging Truth of Being - it 
is this Truth 
which the Guru aides to uncover within your own Being ...

the bliss drug is not it as you can see that is not permanent - therefore it is 
NOT the 
Realization of Absolute - it is a transient ...


Yes I can see that now but when I got it regurlarly I could not leave

Swami G:

the path is to take one to the Bliss which is Unchanging which is rather Peace 
and Stillness 
- it is bliss as suffering is no more. Bliss may be blissful but may go even 
beyond that to a 
Stillness which is ever present.


Yes I understand that
but how to go there ?

Swami G:

are you still there ? or have you left ? why be attached to something that 
comes and goes ? 
find that which is Unchanging. Don't stop short and look for a lesser thing


I feel I have spent all my years looking for it and now I am not sure I want to 
spend so 
much time any more

Like I have given up

Swami G:

by listening to and gaining guidance from One who is there ... By Surrendering 
with the 
direction of a Sat Guru. it takes patience and willingness to move through all 
the states of 
consciousness that arise along the way.

if you give up totally - 100 % Surrender it would be found ... the ME has not 
given up ....

the Me is rather seeking it as an object ... it is never that .


I have not given up fully,  Still the ego is there

Swami G:

therefore it is illusive....

Exactly -

when ego is there it is not ....

Realization and ego cannot exist in the same time


I know that

Swami G:

if you Knew it there would be Realization now



Swami G:

the fact is you are still searching -


Yes I am

but not so much as before

Swami G:
do you want it ?



Swami G:
then go FULL Dive into Consciousness


How ?

Swami G:

hahahahahahahaha by finding a Sat Guru that can take you there ....



Swami G:
then put 120 % into what is given


I will let you try on Ron and see how he is aftewards

Swami G:

am not trying anything on Ron - this is not an experiment .....


Ok but I want to have an idea what you are doing before I go on

Swami G:

doesn't matter if 1,000 came before - what they get and what you get depend 
entirely on 
the one coming .....


Ok I can understand that but still

Swami G:

that is all ....



Swami G:

but what ? but's are all cracked and smell .... don't want to hear but .....



no more but

Swami G:

sit on the butt - when but arises then there is resistence .....


You can not expect me to belive you to 100% already

Swami G:

but this or but that means that one is only taking in partially and ego is 
still not willing to 
hear ....

don't expect you to believe a me at all - Believe that which is Unchanging - it 
is that which 
in the end breaks through the darkness and fallacy ....

you are still viewing Guru as some persona - as long as there is such a view 
then what you 
will get will be based upon your view of a personality - which means it will be 
upon like or dislike etc.



I liked my guru  alot before but not I have mixed feelings

but now

Swami G:

It is never possible to figure out what is here until one comes ..



Swami G:

yes you are still in the transient dual mind. you are basing things on 
transients (that which 
comes and goes)


But it is a long trip for me, I live in sweden - europe

I am very much in the dual mind

I am ignorant


Swami G:

really - and Absolute is closer ? it is either here Now or might as well be as 
far away as 
infinity ....

how much do you want it ? if this is too far then it is not wanted very much 


You are right we should travel any distance to get it

Swami G:

you put time and space in the way of that which is Beyond time and space ..... 
if you 
cannot even or are not willing to make such a small journey can you hope to 
cross that 
boundary ?


You are right

Swami G:

good then don't put up false limits -


But ( here comes the but agian)

Swami G:

limits are of the mind.

stop but's stink



Swami G:



I am a little bit burnt Spend all my life around a guru and are not so willing 
to do it again 
becuse the result was not so great

Swami G:

this is not the normal ashram here - there is no large staff nor established 
dogmas ... Ron 
(Tanmay) says there are just dogs here ... hahahahaha two ...

then don't - your choice ...


I want and I like what Ron have written

Swami G:

things are offered here - if one is not open then nothing may ever be forced 
... one 
becomes only resistent ....


I do not want a lot of rules any more

Swami G:

then get beyond rules .... rules are for dual minds that don't surrender within 
or without 

no one is constrained here in any manner except to have respect ....



I think respect comes naturaly

Swami G:

i don't give a rats ass about what you do - you can get it or not. Those who 
come are 
given the best that may be given what they do with it or not is up to them.

respect does not come naturally to those who are egocentric ....

even a simple Namaste they fight against.



but this people normaly do not come to these places ( I think)

Swami G:

Ron is doing well here - he is in a deep meditative state during all times - 
there is no need 
for him to sit within a meditation framework ....


I am happy for that We had for so many years meditation at exact time and length

Swami G:

he is finding that it is possible during all phases of life .... that one can 
enter into a moving 
meditation and that all actions done within the right way may lead to this 

you are confining it to what was .... be willing to move foward

Things here are very relaxed.


that is good I hope I do not have to be afraid for the Guru any more

Swami G:

there is nothing to fear here ....


My Guru had a hot temper

Swami G:

hahahaha any Guru can have a hot temper when there is a purpose behind it ---- 
sometimes it is used to shake up the conditioned mind so that a release may 


Yes I understand that but many was so affraid for it

Swami G:

it may be used as a tool in order to aide on to move forward.

then perhaps it was not understood or it was mis used .....

it cannot be commented on without having been there to know what was taking 


I do not know but I wish I could have been more relaxed with him

His closest loved him and feared him

Swami G:

at any rate the truth is you need to have a Sat Guru in place for guidance - as 
if you 
already knew the way you would be there .... eventually you will have to let go 
of this fear 
and be willing to move forward and trust .....

i am not him ....

can't say what he has done only what is done from here ......



Swami G:

that is old history. let it go


Yes I am more and more free from the old thinking

Swami G:

there is nothing holding that in place any longer except your attention to it - 
continues to fuel the residule waves of emotional attachments and aversions



Swami G:

then quit talking about it - if you are free of it then it should not enter 
your mind .



Swami G:

OK - Namaste and Maha Shanti OM


Namaste and thanks for the chat

Swami G:

you are most welcome

it is time to work on Tanmay (Ron) a shaktipat session.....


Ok give him what he needs !!

Swami G:

Just sit with this conversation for a time and let it deepen .... see what 

that is all



Ok I will be in silence for some time


Shanti shanti shanti
Swami G:
let it be so ...



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