> > John Lennon wanted to desert his wife and son 
> > and go to New York to shack up with Yoko, in 
> > order to get some sex and drugs. 
> >
Rick Archer wrote:
> He and Yoko first got together in the UK. Lennon 
> didn't have to go anywhere for drugs and sex. He 
> had plenty of both wherever he was.
Apparently John Lennon refused to sleep with his wife 
at Rishikesh TTC, but he wanted to leave so he could 
sleep with Yoko. This is all revealed in Cynthia's book 
"A Twist of Lennon".

During this time, Lennon cut himself off more and more 
from Cynthia and corresponded extensively with Yoko Ono. 
Upon his arrival home, he sent Cyn off on holiday, 
invited Yoko over to make Two Virgins.

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: Tom Anderson
Date: Tue, 2 Oct 2001 17:56:19 -0400
Subject: Re: JPGR

> > Unfortunately, he was not allowed inside the U.S. 
> > because he was a known fornicator and drug addict, 
> > 
> More significantly, he was a political radical, and 
> was on Nixon's black list.
This all detailed in Albert Golman's book "John Lennon".

By almost all accounts, John Lennon was not a pleasant 
person at any time in his short life. Certainy his 
estranged wife Cynthia, writing in 'A Twist of Lennon' 
relates a very unflattering account of how John betrayed 
his own family and subsequently neglected his son for 
years while in the company of a purported artist of no 
talent by name of Yoko Ono. I have it on good authority 
that it was Yoko Ono who in fact broke up the Beatles, 
and who was the cause of Julian Lennon being denied his 
inheritance for years after John's death. However, as 
Julian recently said: "Yoko Ono will never have the 
blood of a Lennon, nor will she ever have the talent."

> > so he went to Toronto instead, where he and Yoko 
> > dresssed up like "Hindoo Fakirs' in white bedsheets, 
> > attempting to ape the Maharsihi, sat in bed smoking 
> > cigarettes, doing drugs, and eating takeout.
> >
> They did that in Amsterdam:
And in Toronto, Canada, spreading lies and more lies: 

"There was a big hullabaloo about him trying to rape Mia 
Farrow and a few other women, and things like that", he 
said. "We stayed up all night discussing, was it true 
or not? We went to see Maharishi, the whole gang of us, 
the next day. I was the spokesman. I said: "We're leaving." 
He gave me a look like: 'I'll kill you, you bastard'. I 
knew then, because he gave me such a look, I had called 
his bluff."

Read more: 

From: John Manning 
Date: Thurs, Oct 25 2001 6:59 pm 
Groups: alt.meditation.transcendental 
Subject: John Lennon, his own words quoted. 

> "Drove from Paris to the Amsterdam Hilton,
> Talking in our beds for a week.
> The newspapers said, "Say what you doing in bed?"
> I said, "We're only trying to get us some peace"."
> You're pretty sloppy with the facts, dude.
I don't think so.

First to arrive at Rishikesh TTC was Paul McCartney 
and Jane Asher; Ringo Starr and his wife Maureen, follow 
on the 19th. Ringo and Maureen leave after only 10 
days. Paul and Jane leave on March 26. John and George 
and their wives leave on April 12. 

"Around the time of his NLP benefit concert in 1992, 
Harrison told Musician magazine that the allegations 
were BS and that Lennon behaved foolishly." 

Read more:

Newsgroups: alt.meditation.transcendental
From: justathought
Date: Tue, 02 Oct 2001 15:53:13 GMT
Subject: Re: Charlie Lutes on MMY

Other titles of interest:

'Beyond Gurus'
By Nancy Cooke de Herrera 
Blue Dolphin, 1992 
Hardback. 489 p. Illustrated. 
ISBN 0-931892-49-x 
1.p. 223 
2.p. 258 

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