--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Peter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> --- Rick Archer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Since Nabby doesn't believe that you really have a
> > degree, would you humor
> > us and save him the trouble of using quotes around
> > "Dr." by posting your
> > credentials?
> http://tinyurl.com/295g9d

Clearly a CIA "front" website, proving only that
Dr. Pete works for them to discredit Maharishi
and TM and everything good. Only celibate non-
butt-fuckers who have been praised by Benjamin
Creme are really happening in this world, and
are thus worthy of our respect and admiration.

We should be "on our knees before them," just
the way they seem to come off when they deign 
to speak to us. As Wayne and Garth said so well,
"We're not worthy." And no piece of paper from
an obvious CIA front operation like the "Florida
Department of Health" is going to change that.

The Nab hath spoken -- Dr. Pete is a perverted
lowlife and only *he* is worthy of reverence.
Someday, when the leaders of the TM movement
come crawling on their bellies to him, *begging*
him to come back and lend his light to the org-
anization that has barely limped by without him,
we'll all understand. Until we need to practice
faith, and never lose hope. Nab is all-good, the
leader we have all been waiting for. I wouldn't
be surprised if he were Maitreya himself, just
still in the closet.

Then again, I suspect *he* wouldn't be surprised
to learn that, either.  :-)

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