--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "jim_flanegin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, gullible fool <fflmod@> 
> wrote:
> >
> > 
> > They must have had good karma to both be wealthy and
> > be involved in spiritual growth, but I expect many of
> > them are so wrapped up in an ego-stroking position in
> > the TMO that they will never wise up and awaken to a
> > modality that has a chance to actually awaken them.
> > 
> > I have never, ever met a wealthy person pursuing the
> > truly powerful modalities.
> >  
> > --- suziezuzie <msilver1951@> wrote:
> > 
> > > What's your opinion about rich people in the
> > > movement who have
> > > inherited their money and like the people you
> > > describe, never have
> > > worked a day in their lives. 
> <snip>
> They have good karma for money, so they don't have to earn money, 
> but they must still earn everything else. Money carries a lot of 
> power and I imagine it is easy to get seduced by it, focusing on 
> inherent but limited security.:-)

Lot's of money can easily stir up, and until the money arrives, 
potential karma. Indulgence in sensual pleasures comes to mind, like 
travelling to exotic places doing nothing. 
Lots of very wealthy people have this vacant look on their faces, as 
if life did not really bring them anywhere. Some lifes are for 
resting, but not much happens for them. In most cases I am pretty 
sure the next life will challenge them with lots of work. 
Thats probably why Maharishi at some point adviced investors in 
Fairfield to focus on expansion of consciousness on a fulltime basis 
once they had a comfy home and 1 million in the bank. 

Make hay when the sun shines !

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