---You're overly intellectualizing what is a matter of experience. 
Hsuan Hua clearly expressed his disapproval of Nichiren's Buddhism 
and the Gohonzon, (to me, directly). That was the experience.  What 
does this have to do with "pratimoksha vows".  Get out of your ivory 

 In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Heresy" means to personally choose a particular belief in 
opposition to some previously established orthodox 
belief. "Heterodoxy" is simply to choose all on one's own without 
regard to orthodoxy. 
>   Hsuan Hua was observing Chinese Buddhist monastic vinaya. Unless 
you were a monk in full possession of the pratimoksha vows neither 
you nor he could be in heretical antipathy to the other's practice. 
>   As far as differences and separations, you began your posted 
comments with Buddhist versus Hindu so you edged yourself out of 
discussing them in terms that were reflective of mutuality. "Tathata" 
is Sanskrit for "thusness. "Entity" is Latin for "ens" - a being. 
These are well established terms without a lot of mystery to 
them. "Dai" means "Great" as in the Dai of Dainichi or the "Maha" in 
mahayana and mahamudra. Gohonzon is an object of veneration.
>   You apparently venerate the proclamation that the Lotus Sutra and 
Nichiren are the same and in the same manner that Dharma and Buddha 
are sometimes worshiped as the same.
>   This means you are probably here to proselytize us at FFL for 
>   yifuxero <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>           ---You're looking at differences and separations. The 
> integrates mutually agreeable M-fields and tends to demolish those 
> getting in the way. True, Hsuan Hua didn't approve of the Gohonzon 
> which I showed him once. Nichiren's Buddhism was heretical to him. 
> However, his habit of eating only once per day before noon is 
> heretical to me since I have low blood sugar and have to eat 
> continually throughout the day. I had such pre-noon meals with him 
> on a number of occasions. 
> In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, billy jim <emptybill@> wrote:
> >
> > Don't know much about Nichiren. Dai Gohonzon sounds like a 
> description of Kegon's "riji-muge" (interpenetration and mutual 
> identity between particulars in Indra's net).
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