Channel 3 MMY relating how Prakriti (Yasoda) gives birth to the child
Krishna (Vishnu or dynamism) in the universe; symbolic embodiments of
*formless* verities found in Hindu literature.

Again, the Hindu trinity or the Father (Spirit, Brahman, Sat) and the
Son (Vishnu/Krishna, dynamism, or Tat) and the Holy Spirit or Mother
principle (Prakriti, Yasoda, AUM). Sat, Tat, Aum.

The crystal ball analogy describes this very well:  Imagine a blue
crystal ball set in the sun (Brahman), as the light of the sun hits
the crystal ball (Prakriti) it gives rise to (reflects) a blue color
which is the dynamism (Krishna) of Mother Nature/Yasoda (Prakriti).

Same in the Christian trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  The
Son (formless Christos) being the Only begotten of the Father....

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