On Sep 5, 2007, at 4:39 PM, Duveyoung wrote:

Sad to say, but I find the below quite believable. I think the
parents should sue bigtime. This story is screaming "wrong" on so
many levels. The males-on-top culture of the TMO can be so sick.

I doubt they'd have much recourse at this point in time, but I agree, it does make you sick hearing these stories.

This is the elitism of the movement's structure -- people in power
trample those below knowing that they'll probably get away with it.
Mostly men gravitate to these positions. I'm moment by moment ashamed
of my gender.

On the other hand, a lot of the poor teachers at MSAE were victimized
by this too, and many of them were simply in the same boat as the
other poor folks and HAD to teach to get their kids' tuitions. They
weren't there to pull power plays and brow beat the masses....decent
people trying to stay in Fairfield -- even if it meant wearing
blinkers to so much -- I still have the dents in my face from wearing
my blinkers let me tell you. Hard to throw a stone at parents who let
their kids be abused cuz I did it too -- not to the degree that the
below parents did, but in kind, yes, I abused my kids by having them
stay at MSAE and being, ahem, mum about so much. I was always back
peddling to explain something about that system to my kids.

And so did we all. We all became experts at spouting the marketing package we were sold. It was just so well crafted you wanted to believe it. Having heard what many here have heard, I would've wanted my children to go there as well at one time. So when I hear these stories of kids who need former movement people to help them be able to process a life beyond the TMO, it's just unbelievably sad. And then I think of those who have no one to facilitate a new life beyond the TMO and what their options are. One wonders how many simply find another mass-movement that looks more palatable and go in that direction. Another movement, another home.

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