new.morning <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Thats "sad", yet joyful in his memory --
end of an era. He was great. Even if he was a cliche in his later
years. A media thing, not him, not his voice.

Edg:  I have maybe 10 of his albums, but I have to say that he often
"screamed up into his high notes."  He had the lungs to get there even
if his vocal cords couldn't" would be my way of saying it.

Though very untrained and "gone Hollywood" I prefer Mario Lanza's
voice.  I get shivers when he sings Una Furtiva Lagrima.

When he "hits" the "Di" on the second to last line, I can hear him hit
most of the "commas."  Verah nyce.


(L'elisir d'amore)(One tear that falls so furtively)

Una furtiva lagrima
Negl'occhi suoi spunto:
Quelle festose giovani
Invidiar sembro.
Che piu cercando io vo?
Che piu cercando io vo?
M'ama, si m'ama, lo vedo, lo vedo.
Un solo instante i palpiti
Del suo bel cor sentir!
I miei sospir, confondere
Per poco a' suoi sospir!
I palpiti, i palpiti sentir,
Confondere i miei coi suoi sospir
Cielo, si puo morir!
Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
Ah! Cielo, si puo, si puo morir,
Di piu non chiedo, non chiedo.
Si puo morir, si puo morir d'amor.

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