There is no absolute respect given by anyone here to anyone here.

If a Nobel prize winner in physics posted here, the trolls would be
out in force arguing with him/her based on their kindergarten math
skills and their comic book versions of the laws of the universe.

So, given that no one could possibly expect to be believed here by
anyone else without a healthy dollop of asterisks and footnotes and
asides, what the hell is Judy et al talking about?

No way did Willy ever have a chance of taking Doc Pete's comments as
"important," right?  Willy's immune to anyone's words, right?  No way
was Willy ever at risk of being "abused by a professional."

And fuck, Judy, there was the post ( )about
the MSAE all-men's tribunal that literally psychically raped a child
and rejected her in an act of such brutality that even in this Kali
Yuga world it still staggers me, and you didn't say shit about it.  If
ever there was a clear cut cause célèbre that is it, and you didn't
get on your righteous high horse about that now did you?

But, nooooooo, Willy needs rescuing from the big bad evil psychologist
that ever TB knows is "of the devil."

Judy:  if I were a judge with powers over you, I'd force you to wear a
tee shirt in the public square that said: "I'M WORTHLESS -- I should
eat shit and die."

Take up the cause of that little girl, Judy. Show me you have an ounce
of heart, and I'll wear that tee shirt for all my sins.  

With your clarity, you could be doing so much good, so maybe tomorrow
I'll have a good part of me try to convince me to "wish for Judy's
best parts to speak" too.

But, not today.  Wallow in your dark pit, bitch.  For crissake, will
you just reach your spiritual bottom and bounce upwards?  Stop
hovering "just above death."  Hearing your howls from the dark depths
of your empty soul -- a noir wincing, a hellish music -- it'd spark my
compassion to the utmost if I could see the least recognition on your
part that you are addicted to mindfully indulging in these extremely
petty POVs.  


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