This article, copied and pasted from, discusses Rep. Ron 
Paul. (Please note that this article is not intended as an attack on 
any individual who supports Rep. Ron Paul.)

The Trouble with Ron
Wednesday, June 06, 2007  

-- by Sara

Molly Ivins, God bless her big heart, warned us about Ron Paul over a 
decade ago. Her coverage of this 1996 Texas congressional races 
included this prescient precis: 

Dallas' 5th District, East Texas' 2nd District and the amazing 14th 
District,which runs all over everywhere, are also in play. In the 
amazing 14th, Democrat Lefty Morris (his slogan is ''Lefty is 
Right!'') faces the Republican/Libertarian Ron Paul, who is himself 
so far right that he's sometimes left, as happens with your 
Libertarians. I think my favorite issue here is Paul's 1993 
newsletter advising ''Frightened Americans'' on how to get their 
money out of the country. He advised that Peruvian citizenship could 
be purchased for a mere 25 grand. That we should all become Peruvians 
is one of the more innovative suggestions of this festive campaign 
season. But what will the Peruvians think of it?

Molly, with her usual insight, laid out the essential struggle we're 
having with Paul. As a libertarian leftist, I understand viscerally 
the charm of Paul's message. Who wouldn't be charmed? He's anti-war, 
anti-torture, anti-drug war, and anti-corporation -- a real 
progressive dream date. Until you reflect on the fact that he's also 
anti-choice, anti-gay, anti-environment, anti-sane immigration 
policy, and apparently, anti-separation of church and state as well:

The notion of a rigid separation between church and state has no 
basis in either the text of the Constitution or the writings of our 
Founding Fathers. On the contrary, our Founders' political views were 
strongly informed by their religious beliefs. Certainly the drafters 
of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, both replete 
with references to God, would be aghast at the federal government's 
hostility to religion. The establishment clause of the First 
Amendment was simply intended to forbid the creation of an official 
state church like the Church of England, not to drive religion out of 
public life.

-- From a "War on Religion" article Ron Paul wrote in December 2003 
(found at Lew

And that's the trouble we're having with Ron. There's just a whole 
lot going on under that affable exterior that deserves a hard second 
look before we clutch the man to our collective bosom. The political 
writers in Texas back in that '96 campaign knew quite a bit about 
this, and their writing survives to tell some interesting tales. 
Here, for example, is Clay Robison, writing in the Houston Chronicle 
the same week Molly wrote the above: 

[Democratic candidate] Morris recently distributed copies of 
political newsletters written by Paul in 1992 in which the Surfside 
physician endorsed the concept of secession, defended cross burning 
as an act of free speech and expressed sympathy for a man sentenced 
to prison for bombing an IRS building.
Cross-burning as free speech? (And sympathy for domestic terrorist 
bombers?) Um, yeah. Two months later, the Austin American-Statesman 
let Paul share his views in his own words: 

Not all officials express alarm when discussing cross burnings. 
U.S.Rep.-elect Ron Paul, a Texas Republican from Surfside, described 
such activity as a form of free speech in some situations.

"Cross burning could be a crime if they were violating somebody's 
property rights,'' he said during his campaign. But if you go out on 
your farm some place and it's on your property and you put two sticks 
together and you burn it, I am not going to send in the federal 

See, here's that problem again. When Paul explains it, it sounds all 
nice and reasonable. What you do on your property absolutely should 
be your business, and nobody should be able to tell you what you can 
and can't put on your Saturday night bonfire. But Texas was having a 
huge upswing in cross-burnings that year, which were part of an (all-
too-successful) effort to terrorize its African-American community. 
There's plenty of legal precedent that one person's right to free 
speech ends when it begins to terrorize others into silence -- and, 
because of this, cross-burning is recognized as a hate crime in many 
jurisdictions across the country. But Ron Paul, for all his 
libertarian talk, apparently doesn't believe in putting any 
restrictions on speech, even when it damages other individuals and 
the overall level of civil behavior in society.

And then there's the company he keeps. Dave is going to have more on 
this soon; but if you want to know someone's character, look at the 
people he surrounds himself with. (Most of us wish we'd understood 
more about Bush's friends before the 2000 election -- let's not 
repeat that mistake here.)

First, there's Tom DeLay. Paul may be loudly anti-corporate and anti-
GOP establishment; but that didn't stop him from taking $6,000 from 
DeLay's ARMPAC. According to the Democratic Congressional Campaign 
Committee, Paul returned the favor by voting to weaken House ethics 
rules when DeLay proposed doing so as GOP Majority Leader; and to 
allow DeLay to continue to serve after an indictment. Since DeLay is 
easily the biggest corporate whore Washington has seen since Mark 
Hanna, we're not wrong to wonder about Paul's true enthusiasm for 
curbing corporate excess.

Then, there's the 100% legislative ranking Paul got from Cannabis 
Culture magazine -- a fact that lifts liberal spirits everywhere, and 
is very consistent with his libertarian views. But we shouldn't let 
that blind us to the fact that he also got 100% rankings from both 
the Christian Coalition and the John Birch Society -- two entities 
far more powerful and serious than Cannabis Culture,, and which 
actively wish ill on people like us. Christian Coalition founder Pat 
Robertson actively helped midwife Paul's budding political career: 
according to the New York Times, his political teams were circulating 
campaign letters promoting Paul over Bush I as a presidential 
candidate all the way back in 1988.

More serious are the friends on the farthest right edges -- the tax 
patriots, "sovereign citizens," and proto-fascists who have supported 
him from the beginning and are supporting him still. It's been quite 
a while since the militia fever of the early 90s acquainted us all 
the permutations of these loony-right movements (if you can't tell 
the players without a scorecard, the ADL provides a very good one 
here); but commenter Hume's Ghost pointed us to this excellent 

Many commentators have portrayed the Patriot and militia movements as 
fascist. We believe it is more accurate to describe them as right-
wing populist movements with important fascistic tendencies-thus they 
are quasifascist or protofascist. Like the America First movement of 
the early 1940s, the Patriot movement and the militias represented a 
large-scale convergence of committed fascists with nonfascist 
activists. Such coalitions enable fascists to gain new recruits, 
increase their legitimacy among millions of people, and repackage 
their doctrines for mass consumption.

Mary Rupert dubbed the Patriot movement "A Seedbed for Fascism" and 
suggested that the "major missing piece in looking at the Patriot 
Movement in relation to fascism is that it does not overtly advance 
an authoritarian scheme of government. In fact, its emphasis seems to 
be on protecting individual rights." According to Rupert, there are 
two "portents of possibility" that could shift this situation: "First 
is the below-the-surface disposition of the Patriot Movement towards 
authoritarianism, and second is the way in which Patrick 
Buchanan...picked up and played out the Patriots' grievances." We 
would add that "individual rights," like states' rights, can also be 
a cover for the sort of decentralized social totalitarianism promoted 
by the neofascists of the Posse Comitatus and Christian 
Reconstructionism -- both of which helped lay the groundwork for the 
Patriot movement itself.

This puts a new context around Paul's relationship with The Patriot 
Network, a South Carolina-based group that's part of the "tax 
resistance" movement. This crew threw a 2004 banquet in Ron Paul's 
honor, as I mentioned in an earlier post (their newsletter noted 
that "most of the state's leading nationalist figures attended,").

Groups like this one aren't just a bunch of Howard Jarvis-type 
disgruntled taxpayers. The Patriot Network, like others going all the 
way back to the Posse Comitatus of the 70s, coaches members on how to 
avoid taxes, bilking them of thousands of dollars by selling 
them "untax" packages that will enable them -- under their own 
bizarre theory of government -- to exempt themselves from taxation. 
These "untax" theories have been repeatedly refuted by the courts 
across the country over the past couple decades; and several leaders 
of previous organizations offering similar services have been 
convicted and jailed for tax fraud. As noted above, the Patriot 
movement overlaps strongly with a variety of Christian Identity, 
militia, "sovereign citizen," and other ideologies dear to the heart 
of the far-right domestic terrorist agenda.

Another site that's endorsed Paul is the Dixie Daily News, a neo-
Confederate website full of articles on states' rights, gold-backed 
currency, and how the South was right all along. Paul writes for this 
site frequently -- as does his friend and former legislative aide 
Gary North, who is also R.J. Rushdooney's son-in-law and a leading 
light of the Christian Reconstructionist movement. At the moment, the 
headline at the site is promoting Ron Paul's appearance at the 
group's "FreedomFest" in Las Vegas next month.

If Paul is making public appearances for this group, we need to be 
asking: why is he running for office in a government he clearly 
doesn't believe in?

If you doubt that Paul has the support of our proto-fascists, don't 
take my word for it -- take theirs. This endorsement, for example, 
recently appeared on national KKK leader David Duke's website. And 
I'll let an anonymous commenter from Stormfront, the far right's 
favorite Web watering hole, have the final word: 

Anyone who doesn't vote for Paul on this site is an assclown. Sure he 
doesn't come right out and say he is a WN [white nationalist], who 
cares! He promotes agendas and ideas that allow Nationalism to 
flourish. If we "get there" without having to raise hell, who cares; 
aslong as we finally get what we want. I don't understand why some 
people do not support this man, Hitler is dead, and we shall probably 
never see another man like him.

Pat Buchanan's book "Where the Right Went Wrong" is a prime example 
of getting the point across without having the book banned for anti 
semitism. The chapters about the war in Iraq sound like a BarMitzvah, 
but he doesn't have to put the Star of David next to each name for us 
to know what he means. We are running out of options at this point, 
and I will take someone is 90% with us versus any of the other 

Not to mention if Paul makes a serious run, he legitimizes White 
Nationalism and Stormfront, for God's sake David Duke is behind this 

Bill Maher and Jon Stewart may love the ratings Ron Paul brings in. 
But the growing pile of evidence is proving that Paul, for all his 
freedom-loving talk, is in the pocket of the very people this blog 
has spent the past four years warning about. His links to the 
murderous brownshirt fringe that brought us the Freemen standoff and 
the Oklahoma City bombing are too strong to be ignored.

If America ever becomes a fascist state, it will be Ron Paul's long-
time followers who bring it about. And we -- progressives, 
miniorities, feminists, gays, "intellectuals," and Jews like Maher 
and Stewart -- with be the first ones to feel their genocidal rage. 
We cannot overlook his long association with far-right extremists 
just because he agrees with us that the war is wrong and pot should 
be legal. If Bush has taught us anything, it's that we need to hold 
ourselves and our candidates to much higher standards than that. What 
we choose to overlook now, we will live to regret later.

Valuable research assistance for this piece was provided by Hume's 
Ghost, librarian Dan Harms, and our commenters. -- SR 

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