jim_flanegin wrote:

>>Of course both Repubs and Dems are in favor 
> > of a large illegal (spelled c-h-e-a-p) workforce, and just 
> > with the dumb public that they are oh so concerned-- if there 
> > truly a will on either side, they could stop so called illegal 
> > immigration in a heartbeat. Same with the heavily encouraged 
> > invasion and occupation of Iraq.:-)

BillyG. wrote:

> Not entirely true, you must remember it was the Republicans who
> stopped the last go round. ALL the Dems were for it except maybe 
> or two. My point being, no matter how you crack it, it's toast for 
> Republicans and a boon for Democrats, they know that, they promise
> (and deliver) the most goodies on average, till it runs out anyway.
> Just look at California, overrun with illegals, true both parties 
> to blame....

Here in N. Cal things are pretty manageable with the so called 
illegals. I read in the news regularly that this isn't the case in 
S. Cal. Yes, both parties are to blame, or they could at least 
openly admit their intentions.:-)
> Anyway,just like the Israel's stole Palestine, so we stole the
> Southwest from Mexico, simple, right?
The annexation of a lot of Mexico was a long time ago (150+ years). 
Should that be resolved now? Probably not-- It has been fully 
assimilated into the USA.:-)

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