"authfriend"  wrote:  "Did anybody suggest you should??"

"Edg says: "So, don't expect me to get anywhere near that kind of
frenetic obsessiveness with a kilogram losing mass and screaming to
the world that the sky is falling."

No, Judy, you didn't -- it was my way of saying that although I'm
interested in the loss of mass, even if it's a new understanding of
physics that must be discovered, I'm not going to "get all religious"
about it like I did for Y2K -- where I became much more social,
spreading the knowledge of the danger coming, etc.  I burned "me once"
way many times, so I'm sensitiverized ya might say.

On some days, yeah, maybe I could get motivated, but not today. 
Tomorrow I might be writing for hours about 2012 though.  Me cwazzy
wabbit sometimes.


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