bill wrote:
> When someone tells us such meditation is hindu worship 
> then they are simply misinformed, ignorant or ideologues.
For clarity, here is a definition of mantra, according to 
Swami Ageananda Bharati:

"A mantra is a quasi-morpheme or a series of quasi-morphemes, 
or a series of mixed genuine and quasi-morphemes arranged in
conventional patterns, based on codified esoteric traditions, 
and passed on from one preceptor to one disciple in the course 
of a prescribed initiation ritual."

According to Swami Ageananda, this definition does not include 
any reference to the purpose or purposes of mantra, for the 
statement of purpose is a material statement, which must be 
excluded from a definition, which is a set of formal 
propositions of exception less validity. If there is a 
single exception to a statement, then that statement 
forfeits its claim to being a definition. As there is a 
conceivable exception with regard to the purpose of mantra, 
purpose could not be included. 

Work Cited:

'The Tantric Tradition' 
Swami Ageananda Bharati
Rider, 1965

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