Well if the focus of the site is both of them, then I'd look for a pic with
both of their faces at least partly visible in the shot....

alice ttlg

~ * ~ * ~     ~ * ~ * ~     ~ * ~ * ~     ~ * ~ * ~     ~ * ~ * ~
It hurts sometimes more than we can bear.  If we could live without passion
maybe we'd know some kind of peace.  But we would be hollow.  Empty rooms,
shuttered and dark.  Without passion, we'd be truly dead. -- Angel on Buffy,
the Vampire Slayer

----- Original Message -----
From: "Usual Suspect" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, November 22, 2000 8:42 AM
Subject: [FW] graphics-ish

Okay, making an angel/wesley site - provisional title 'Dangerous Habits'.
So far, I've only got the index page up, but erm... just wondering ...
should I use a pic where Angel's facing the camera or use that one?  Its
test home is www.amajitaku.co.uk because I can't get into my envy.nu site.



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