Dear Mr. Connie,
Thank you for your time to write me a kind reply.

Sir, I never use Arabic "Yeh" and "Keh" on my website. I'm looking to the
future and to web standards. I'm trying to help others.

Do you know the story of "Yeh" and "Keh" problem?
WinXP users are able to view all Farsi characters correctly, but Win9x users
cannot view the "Yeh (U+06CC)" and "Keheh (U+06A9)" correctly, because of an
old version of -default installed- Fonts like Tahoma.

Currently there are two methods to solve this problem:

1) Using Arabic "Yeh" and "Keh" in our web site; so every user reads the
content correctly. (The user will see Arabic version of "Yeh", which has two
dots below of "Yeh")

2) Ask your visitors to download a newer version of  fonts, especailly
"Nesf" or "Tahoma"; then Win9x users will also able to view the "Yeh" and
"Keh" correctly.

First method, INFECTS the "Web's Farsi Content" with Arabic characters. (You
can type Arabic Yeh in your WinXP keyboard map by pressesing Shift+X)

Second method, contains a Web Usability Mistake. It is not a good idea to
ask your "Web Site Visitors" to download fonts to read the content. A Web
Usability principle says: Design a Usable web site, instead of asking your
visitors to make the website Usable for themselves.

I hope you get me my mission,
My PHP Function Library, makes you able to design a USABLE FARSI website.
Your visitors no longer need to install an fonts, You can use Farsi "Yeh"
and "Keh".

But how I solve the problem for Win9x users?
Follow this algorithm:

if (win9x_user) {
  output "Arabic Content"
else {
  output "Farsi Content"

I'll tell you more soon. This is not a game, I'm not a newbie programmer
I'm a professional XHTML/CSS/PHP webmaster. I'm just trying to do my best
effort to make the farsi websites more READBLE and USABLE.
That's all.

> Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2003 11:08:32 -0800 (PST)
> From: C Bobroff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: Proud To be An Iranian
> To: "Sh. Farzanehfar" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Message-ID:
> Content-Type: TEXT/PLAIN; charset=US-ASCII
> Shahram,
> Not meaning to pick on you personally, but why have you used
> Arabic Letter Kaf (0643) and Arabic Letter Yeh (064A) on your website?
> I'm truly, honestly asking out of curiosity.  Were the Arabic letters
> already mapped to your keyboard or did you reprogram it yourself?  Maybe
> you didn't notice??
> Especially on this very day when someone else has just posted the
> "solution" to this problem (well, it is not the solution, it is a
> whitewash but maybe better than nothing), I really can't resist asking and
> hope you don't get offended. I just can't help wonder since some of us are
> having to take tranquilizers before looking at Persian websites lest the
> dots under those Yeh's lead to certain nervous disorders as already
> discussed on this list.
> -Connie
> PS Where is Joe? Did you see over on your
> they appear to now be using the Persian equivalents on selected newer
> articles.  I think there is hope on the horizon!
> On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Sh. Farzanehfar wrote:
> >
> > Hope to See all of you Good Friends up there, in a near Future. :)
> >
> >
> >
> > Shahram Farzanehfar

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