On Tue, Jan 12, 2016 at 3:43 AM, Nycholas Maia <nyckm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm studying the FaustLive examples and trying to understand *how a MIDI
> information is received by the VSTi plugin *to be possible create a MIDI
> synth.

Ok, I'll bite once again -- but then I'll have to go back teaching my own

Faust itself doesn't know or care about MIDI. It only knows about control
data (embodied by its "user interface" elements). Everything else is in the
architecture (faustvst.cpp if you're using faust-vst). If you have a look
at faustvst.cpp, you can find all the usual VST callbacks there, which
receive the MIDI data and perform the necessary mapping to the UI elements
of the Faust dsp.

The Faust dsp itself only implements a single voice (i.e., a monophonic
synth) driven by the "freq", "gain" and "gate" parameters (special label
names), which have the following meaning:

- freq is the frequency in Hz corresponding to the MIDI note number; this
is normally used to set the (fundamental) frequency of the synth's

- gain is a linear gain value in the range 0-1, corresponding to the MIDI
note velocity; this is normally used to set the amplitude of the oscillator

- gate is a 0-1 value (1 means on, 0 off), this is normally used to drive
the envelop of the synth

NB: By default, the freq value is computed using equal temperament, but the
faustvst.cpp architecture allows you to adjust the tuning, e.g., by sending
a MIDI tuning sysex message, please check the faust-vst and faust-lv2
READMEs for details.

So, to create a minimal synth, you basically implement an oscillator as the
`process` function of your Faust program, which uses these three control
parameters. I've attached a minimal example sine.dsp which can be compiled
with the faust2fausvst script included in faust-vst.

(NOTE: The faust2fausvst script had a bug which caused the `nvoices` meta
data to be ignored, which I fixed this morning, so make sure to pull the
latest faust-vst from git and reinstall the script before trying the
example. You can also use faust2faustvst's `-nvoices` option instead of the
meta key, this will also work with the previous version of the script. Also
note that the `nvoices` key currently only works with faust-vst, the other
AU and VST architectures use a zero number of audio inputs as indication
that the programmer wants an instrument. faust-vst does it differently in
order to allow for instruments with audio inputs.)

Back to the minimal example: It just uses `gate` as an amplitude factor,
which of course creates clicks when the instrument is played. For a more
practical but still quite minimal example, see the attached sineadsr.dsp
which adds an ADSR envelop driven by the `gate` value, which has a
controllable attack time and a master volume control. (One interesting
detail here is the `smooth` filter from filter.lib on the latter, this is
needed to avoid zipper noise when the volume control changes rapidly).

The example also illustrates how to assign the attack and volume controls
to corresponding MIDI controls. I've used CC1 - modulation - and CC7 -
volume - in the example because these two are readily available on most
MIDI keyboards, but of course you can assign them to anything you want. For
Sibelius you might also want to implement CC11 (expression). Pitch bends
are left as an exercise. ;-)

Ok, I hope that this, together with the available documentation, gets you
started. If not then I'm afraid that you'll have to attend one of the
available Faust courses at CCRMA/Stanford, JMU/France or JGU/Germany. ;-)


Dr. Albert Gr"af
Computer Music Research Group, JGU Mainz, Germany
Email:  aggr...@gmail.com
WWW:    https://plus.google.com/+AlbertGraef

Attachment: sine.dsp
Description: Binary data

Attachment: sineadsr.dsp
Description: Binary data

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