Yann, maybe it would be possible to discuss such changes *before* they
actually happen? ;-)

This opens a can of worms for me. Probably means that the Pure-Faust
bitcode interface is broken now. And this might affect other architectures
as well. We really need a Faust test suite which covers at least the most
popular architectures...


On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 4:32 PM, Yann Orlarey <orla...@grame.fr> wrote:

> SR is now a float instead of an int. This fix problems observed when
> running some filters that works at 44100Hz but not at 48000Hz. In this case
> SR^2 > 2^31 and it wraps to negative values if SR is an int !
> Yann Orlarey
> Directeur scientifique
> www.grame.fr
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