> Le 8 sept. 2016 à 12:24, victor.lazzar...@nuim.ie a écrit :
> Hi Stéphane,
> here is what I did for OSX 10.11 to get faust2 built and installed:
> 1. Got LLVM 3.7.1 sources.
> 2. To build it: at the top level sources
> $ mkdir build ; cd build
> $ cmake -DLLVM_ENABLE_RTTI=ON ..
> $ make 
> $ sudo make install

OK so not using the macports version.

> 3. Got Faust, faust2 branch
> 4. I needed to edit compiler/Makefile.unix
>    - ARCHFLAGS        :=  -arch x86_64 -arch i386
>    + ARCHFLAGS        :=  -arch x86_64
>    -  $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(objects) main.o libcode.o global.o 
> `$(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags` $(LLVMLIBS) $(CLANGLIBS) -lcrypto -o faust
>    + $(CXX) $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(objects) main.o libcode.o global.o 
> `$(LLVM_CONFIG) --ldflags --libs` $(LLVMLIBS) $(CLANGLIBS) -lcrypto -o faust
> (I reckon 10.11 has drop i386 support, that’s why; and 
> the LLVM libs were not being passed to the linker).
> 5. then just make; sudo make install

Still compiling the 32 bits version here, since we want to keep the faustgen~ 
object support for 32 bits MAX 7...

> Working well. I got a faust MIDI instrument working.
> PS: - I also noticed that the online compiler is not packaging the QT 
> dependencies within the bundle, making it
> impossible to run the app if do not have them. It’s also not possible to 
> install QT4 on OSX 10.11 (5.7 is the latest; 4.* won’t even
> build from sources).

Yes, I think Yann did somme work for that but I guess this is not deployed yet.


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