Hi All,

As explained by Romain in his LAC talk, the faust2api tool has recently be 
extended to support most of the audio architectures we already have . 

See https://ccrma.stanford.edu/~rmichon/faust2api/ for the documentation on iOS 
and Android support.

Testing and feedback welcome !



faust2api -h
faust2api can be used to generate faust-based dsp objects for various platforms:

To generate an iOS API, run: faust2api -ios yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate an Android API, run: faust2api -android yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate a CoreAudio API, run: faust2api -coreaudio yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate an ALSA API, run: faust2api -alsa yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate a JACK API, run: faust2api -jack yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate a PortAudio API, run: faust2api -portaudio yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate a RTAudio API, run: faust2api -rtaudio yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate a OpenFramework API, run: faust2api -of yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate a JUCE API, run: faust2api -juce yourFaustCode.dsp
To generate a dummy audio API, run: faust2api -dummy yourFaustCode.dsp

Global options:
   -nvoices N : creates a polyphonic object with N voices.
   -effect <effect.dsp>: adds an effect to the polyphonic synth (this option is 
ignored if -nvoices is not specified).
   -nodoc : prevents documentation from being generated.

Android specific options:
   -package : set the JAVA package name (e.g. '-package mypackage' will change 
the JAVA package name to 'mypackage.DspFaust'). The default package name is 

iOS specific options 
   -midi : add built-in RtMidi support to the API.
   -osc : add built-in OSC support to the API.

CoreAudio specific options 
   -midi : add built-in RtMidi support to the API.

ALSA specific options 
   -midi : add built-in RtMidi support to the API.

PortAudio specific options 
   -midi : add built-in RtMidi support to the API.


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