Hi all,

There is one limitation with the current OSC UI design and Albert summed it up 
well during IFC: several faust applications cannot share the same UDP input 
port on the same machine. The default port number is 5510, once reserved, the 
next free port will be allocated and thus you can observe messages like:
Faust OSC version 1.00 application ‘dsp1' is running on UDP ports 5510, 5511, 
Faust OSC version 1.00 application ‘dsp2' is running on UDP ports 5513, 5511, 
Faust OSC version 1.00 application ‘dsp3' is running on UDP ports 5514, 5511, 
It complicates the communication scheme when several faust applications are 
running on the same machine.
The -port option can be used to define a predictable communication scheme but 
this requires having control tools capable of communicating over multiple ports.

I propose the following solution to this issue:
a new command line option [ -reuse ] to share a listening port between several 
applications on the same host.
It works in conjunction with the multicast address
Thus, messages addressed to applications launched with `-reuse 1` must be send 
to the IP address

**Note**: any application running on any host on the same local network, 
launched with `-reuse 1` and using the same listening port, will receive all 
the messages addressed to on this port.
Different listening port numbers can be used to create a group of applications 
restricted to a local host or to create an arbitrary group of applications 
distributed over the local network.

Let me know what you think.

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