
faustbench and faustbench-llvm how have a -notrace option that allows to run 
them, just getting the best set of Faust compilation parameters as result.

Thus they can be more easily integrated in scripts, to automatically discover 
the best set of compilation parameters, to be used to produce an optimized 
final executable.

faust2caqt and faust2max6 have been updated to use this feature, with a new 
-opt option, so that if you do:

faust2caqt -opt foo.dsp  or  faust2max6 -opt bar.dsp, the faustbench-llvm tool 
will be used, best compilation parameters discovered, and optimized executable 

Then a set of dsp can be optimized using faust2caqt -opt *.dsp and so on…. Note 
that it may takes time to get the executable result ((-;

The same -opt option could be added progressively in other faust2xx scripts, 
and possibly into your own compilation chain.

Pushed on GIT here: 

Benchmark tools have to be manually compiled here in tools/benchmark, with 
libfaust and LLVM already compiled : 

Testing welcome !


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