> Le 6 nov. 2020 à 23:55, Loïc Reboursiere <loicreboursi...@gmail.com> a écrit :
> I got it working ! 
> With "webaudiowasm-worklet" target and https protocol as you mentionned.
> Just in case someone else ran into the same problem, there are ways to launch 
> a secure server with a local ssl key, but browsers won't recognized it as 
> secure.
> So you really need a paid space on a server with security certificates so 
> that you have https. If you just to test few things out, it appears that 
> pythonanywhere gives access to https for free for three month with beginner's 
> account.
> @Stéphane Letz is there a way to overcome the limitation of stereo live 
> inputs, i.e access all the inputs of an external soundcard (when more than 2 
> inputs) ?

In theory yes, I guess the WebAudio implantation in a given browser has to 
support that: have you tried ?

> If not I guess I can switch to hexaphonic audio files instead of dealing with 
> live inputs ? 
> Can you elaborate on how the link between Faust audio plugin and audio files 
> chosen from a HTML/JS GUI works, please ?

You mean if you want to use a  hexaphonic audio files instead of live inputs? 

Right now that is no code in the JavaScript/HTML wrapper to deal with that, but 
the standard way would be to use the WebAudio API, like 
 and connect the file reader to the Faust WebAudio node.


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