Very interesting discussion ! (even if I do now follow all the details for now):

- about the « singleprecision/doubleprecision/quadprecision » recent addition 
in the language, and about the use of ma.EPSILON (that is indeed defined using  
singleprecision/doubleprecision/quadprecision model). The thing is that Faust 
wants to be a high-level specification language, where the user should in 
theory not to have to think at all on these « details ». But the thing is that 
computer numbers are not mathematical numbers, and we obviously hit those « 
real-life »  number precision issues quite rapidly. This can also be a question 
in the compiler itself, when we decide to regroup or reorganise some 
computations, possibly changing the precision. Not an easy problem at all ! 
But the addition of « singleprecision/doubleprecision/quadprecision » and use 
of ma.EPSILON or similar concepts at the required places in the libraries, 
seems at least a way to put a bit of coherency where we have to.  So people, 
fell free to propose PR if ma.EPSILON has to be used at more places !

- « As far as I'm concerned, Faust should be double precision by default. :-) 
from Dario »  I know that, I guess you should even write «  Faust should be 
double precision running at 96kHz by default ((-; ». Well AFAICS floats are 
sufficient for most of standard cases to stay the default, and Dario especially 
for you (…), I’m working on adding double support in the WebAssembly layer  to 
be able to have a « float/double » choice at some point in the faust Web IDE.

- I’m not moderating the mailingn-list at all ((-;


> Le 20 déc. 2020 à 22:55, Julius Smith <> a écrit :
> Thanks for the detective work!
> I like the idea of setting the pole protection margin according to the 
> working precision.
> The boldest choice would be 1.0 - machineEpsilon.
> I think it was Stéphane who gave us ma.EPSILON to use in this kind of 
> situation (it arose fairly recently for fi.tau2pole's divide-by-zero check).
> In filters.lib, I just now changed (in faustlibraries / master)
>   smax = 0.9999;
> to
>   smax = 1.0-ma.EPSILON;
> and now it behaves more on par with the others:
> > faust2plot tfilterforms2.dsp ; tfilterforms2 -n 100000 | tail -16
> tfilterforms2;
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
>  0.00228387304 0.000913831813 0.00317438412; ...
> ...
> > faust2plot -double tfilterforms2.dsp ; tfilterforms2 -n 100000 | tail -16
> tfilterforms2;
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
>  5.1756238184097469e-12 3.7870455898468107e-12 8.7758306858103949e-12; ...
> ...
> > faust2plot -quad tfilterforms2.dsp ; tfilterforms2 -n 100000 | tail -16
> tfilterforms2;
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
>  3.71743109e-15 1.88456022e-15 5.46351836e-15; ...
> ...
> The question remains as to which filter form is more accurate.
> Another thing worth mentioning, by the way, is that tf2snp can be modulated, 
> even using white noise for its coefficients, without affecting signal energy.
> That's the usual and original principal benefit of going to the normalized 
> ladder form - "power-invariant modulatability".
> The superior numerical robustness for closely spaced poles was observed later 
> and documented in the literature by Gray and Markel, as I recall.
> - Julius
> On Sun, Dec 20, 2020 at 12:07 PM Oleg Nesterov <> wrote:
> On 12/20, Dario Sanfilippo wrote:
> >
> > > --- a/filters.lib
> > > +++ b/filters.lib
> > > @@ -1004,7 +1004,7 @@ declare tf2np copyright "Copyright (C) 2003-2019 by
> > > Julius O. Smith III <jos@ccr
> > >  declare tf2np license "MIT-style STK-4.3 license";
> > >  tf2np(b0,b1,b2,a1,a2) = allpassnnlt(M,sv) : sum(i,M+1,*(tghr(i)))
> > >  with {
> > > -  smax = 0.9999; // maximum reflection-coefficient magnitude allowed
> > > +  smax = 0.999999999; // maximum reflection-coefficient magnitude allowed
> > >    s2 = max(-smax, min(smax,a2)); // Project both reflection-coefficients
> > >    s1 = max(-smax, min(smax,a1/(1+a2))); // into the defined
> > > stability-region.
> > >    sv = (s1,s2); // vector of sin(theta) reflection coefficients
> > >
> > >
> > If I'm not wrong, anything above 0.9999999 would be rounded to 1 in single
> > precision, right?
> Quite possibly, I didn't even bother to check.
> In case it was not clear, I didn't try to propose a fix, I just tried to
> identify where does the problem come from.
> > Would it be possible to choose different constants based on different
> > options given to the compiler?
> Yes, perhaps we should use singleprecision/doubleprecision I dunno. (Can't
> resist I think this feature was a mistake but this is offtopic ;)
> Even if we forget about single precision, I simply do not know how much
> we can enlarge this limit. The 0.999999999 value I used is just the "random
> number closer to 1".
> > If not, a philosophical question (not really) for these situations might
> > be: should we prioritise single precision or double precision
> > performance/stability?
> Good question! please inform me when you know the answer? ;)
> Oleg.
> -- 
> "Anybody who knows all about nothing knows everything" -- Leonard Susskind
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