Hi Klaus,

Thanks for the reply. If I understand correctly, waveform is a read-only
primitive, and only work for constant data. Am I missing something? Do
you have an example?

I suppose a rwtable could be abused as intermediate. But it seems like
overkill, for just getting arguments from a function call stack.


On 8/17/22 18:55, Klaus Scheuermann wrote:
> I did a list with wavform once
> https://faustdoc.grame.fr/manual/syntax/#waveform-primitive
> Hope it helps...
>> On 17. Aug 2022, at 18:10, Robin Gareus <ro...@gareus.org> wrote:
>> Hello Faust community,
>> I'm brushing up my FAUST skills. It's been over a decade and it's
>> amazing to see how far things have grown. Well now, I just ran into an
>> issue:
>> How can I place signal primitive into a list?
>> e.g. use  _,_  as list arguments (_,_) for `an.analyzer(3, HERE)`
>> If I understand correctly, lists are just parallel composition. So I
>> expected an extra pair of brackets to work. Why doesn't it?
>> -8<-
>> Perhaps the deeper issue is the design-pattern that I'm aiming for. So
>> let me elaborate. The specific use-case is a multiband effect[1]:
>> The following works (implementation omitted for readability):
>> ```
>> apply(fq,g1,g2,g3,g4) = _;
>> freqs=100,200,300;
>> process= _ <: par(i,2,_)
>>   : (an.analyzer(6, (freqs)) , _)
>>   : apply (freqs);
>> ```
>> Now, I'd like to make this generic for arbitrary numbers of frequency
>> bands, rather than 3 hardcoded band-splits. This is similar how
>> an.analyzer() or filterbank work, except with an additional gain
>> parameter for each band:
>> ```
>> nuapply(freqs, gain) = _
>>  with {
>>    nb   = ba.count(freqs);
>>    f(n) = ba.take(n, freqs);
>>    g(n) = ba.take(n, gain); // bm +1 elemements
>>  };
>> ```
>> So far so good. This works with explicit literal arguments.
>> However I fails to see how the output of analysis stage can be passed as
>> list.
>> I tried another approach using `nu2apply(freqs)` and then
>> selectn() the gain levels from input bus, but that quickly becomes a mess.
>> What is the Faustian way to implement this?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> robin
>> --
>> [1]
>> https://gist.github.com/x42/eeb2aa9f9cc4a9083fb2cf2d86645c9a#file-mcomp-dsp-L43-L60
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