
how would you like crosbie's definition added to the wiki?

per example in draft 3 under article 3 "objectives", (free culture will promote)?

please see attached example, re-edit (the promote paragraph reads a little bit long in the moment) & send back to the list if you want to change the wiki.


attached example for objectives:

ARTICLE 3 – Objectives

Free Culture UK is a not-for-profit organisation that encourages skill sharing, equality and tolerance and it is opposed to racism, homophobia, classism, sexism, and xenophobia. The objectives of Free Culture UK will be to:


     Draw on the resources, skills and experiences of its members, to
     document the problems faced by free culture as well as their


     Make and facilitate projects being made on free culture issues.


     Acquire and pass on the skills required by free culture activists.


     To create access to a skills and equipment pool for the projects
     the group makes.


     Present interesting, thought-provoking free culture projects and
     exhibitions in pubs, clubs, community centres, cinemas and muddy
     fields across the country

   * To Promote
         o Distribution of free culture made by or in connection with
           Free Culture UK
         o Freedom to do anything, except
         o Truth must be preserved, and
         o Privacy must not be trespassed
         o Freedom means: upholding freedom of speech whilst respecting
           human rights an artist can do what the heck they want, as
           long as they don't impair truth or another person's privacy
           or human rights.
         o Truth simply means: Attribution must be accurate where it
           occurs, either implicitly or explicitly. An artist and their
           works must be represented truthfully and respectfully or not
           at all authorship is an inalienable fact.
         o Privacy means: An artist's works are their own property
           until they choose to release/publish them. An artist retains
           the right to decide if their works are ever published. An
           artist relinguishes the privacy of a work by publishing it.
           If a work has been published anonymously, the author's
           choice to remains anonymous must be respected.

     Act as a point of contact and reference for campaigners and
     like-minded individuals


     Collaborate with community groups in furtherance of our purpose
     and other objectivies


     Develop and maintain an archive of grassroots political free
     culture activity.


The good thing about Crosbie's definition is that it comes from cultural law or history rather than computer law or history. It is the best example of defining
artistic freedoms I've seen. Can it be added to the wiki?

The UN Declaration of Human Rights includes a "right to art" which may be of
interest (article 27).

I do share Graham's concerns about the Truth and Freedom levels, but I think it then falls to us to produce something that we believes answers those concerns. :-) We will need to tackle the issues of reputation, the personal, and malice
whether we want to or not.

For me the biggie is that the requirement of "truth" and "respect" would have a
chilling effect on art criticism and referential art (although if we are
discussing culture rather than just art then Irving would be another good
example). "Cy Twombly's art sucks and it is difficult to see how anyone could be fooled by it" is a true statement, at least I can argue that it is. For me to argue otherwise would not be truthful. I think fabrication, fact or public
record would be easier criteria than truthfulness. And we already have
overly-strong laws for slander and libel.

I did find-and-replace ports of Stallman's and Debian's "Freedoms" a while ago. Some of the notes may be useful even if the articles themselves are not. :-)

- Rob.

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