On Fri, 2008-03-28 at 01:01 -0700, Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
> I took an opportunity to look at Waves background and noticed a
> tremendous amount
> of nodes for curves causing a huge slowdown to my x86_64 workstation.
> Removing some of them have reduced the original size from 208 to 186 KB.
> The blurred dark flame is made with less node though it could be tweaked
> further instead of the bunch of planes. I have added some sparks from
> the flames.
> You can view the preliminary result on http://luya.fedorapeople.org/test/
> There are more trimming to do to reduce the size of the file.
> Luya

I trimmed down (the SVGs are around 130 kiB now) all the wallpapers and
did some additional changes to them:

1. I use different flames for different times of day (thus the flame
would not be static)
2. I removed halo from the night version, because I like it better
without it and don't see a reason to have a halo on a night sky...

Especially the flames might still need some polishing so I put it on
fedorapeople instead of wiki...



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