On Wed, 2008-04-02 at 18:25 -0400, dave slaughter wrote:
>      First off I would like to thank Nicu Buculei for e-mailing me and
> inviting me to join after I submitted my app, so thank you Nicu.
>      Now, I would like to introduce myself to the rest of the members,
> my name is Dave, and I am from just outside Boston Mass. in the United
> States. I have been using Linux for about 4-5 years now, and have been
> doing computer graphic design for as long as I have been using
> computers, so since the original apple II. I just enjoy doing artwork,
> be it wallpapers, web banners, GDM's (just started on making those),
> or anything else. I just started using Fedora again, after not using a
> Red Hat based system since Red Hat 6, been using mostly Debian base
> OS's, but I am very pleased with F8, very nice, clean distro.
>      I would like to start work with the art team and try to get
> involved in making artwork for Fedora, be it (as I stated above)
> wallpapers, GDMs, or anything else that may be of use to the team, and
> would also like to be a part of something that I believe is of great
> value, and try to give back to the Fedora community in some way, as my
> programing skills leave something to be desired.
>      I will stop here and keep this short as not to take of too much
> of all of time.
> So hello everybody, and I look forward to working with you all of on
> whatever projects may be ahead.
> Sincerely,
> Dave S.
Hello Dave and welcome to the art team. I look forward to working with
you as well.

I don't know know how much you followed the happenings here in the past,
so I'll shortly summarize some of the projects you might help with.

 * We are finalizing the artwork for F9 [1] and you perhaps noticed we
started discussing about the artwork for F10 [2]. If you have any ideas,
comments, work, etc. feel free to share them with us.

 * We are making the new Fedora icon theme, called Echo [3]. Sadly
enough it is currently actively developed only by me and Luya
Tshimbalanga and we don't have enough time to make fast progress. So any
help is welcome here as well.

 * I am developing the Fedora default gtk engine/theme, Nodoka [4],
which is currently reaching 0.7.0 stable version that will be included
in F9 and I hope to start working on 0.8 branch after the release. If
you have any suggestions (design, code, etc.) feel free to post them.

There are also various smaller tasks like design service [5] or
hackergotchi service [6].

Though this is not a complete list, I hope it gave you some insight as
to what are we doing now.

If you have any questions about the happenings, how can you help with
the above (or other artwork) projects, or any other thing that concerns
art team, feel free to ask :)


[1] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/F9Themes/Waves/Round3Final
[2] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/F10Themes
[3] https://fedorahosted.org/echo-icon-theme/
[4] https://fedorahosted.org/nodoka
[5] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/DesignService
[6] http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Artwork/HackergotchiService

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