On Wed, 2008-08-20 at 17:26 +0300, Nicu Buculei wrote:

> Actually I had to open the SVG and verify the strokes are the same size 
> as I had the impression they are thinner in the 256x256 (I was wrong, 
> maybe due to the lighter color?)
That's intentional. I disliked the strong contrast between dark strokes
and light fills in this size, so I took a more real-looking approach.

> I wonder if we should add even more details for the larger version. The 
> large blue area looks a bit to plain. And maybe some king of 3D effect 
> or at least a gradient to the green LED?
Yeah, I think we could, not sure which, though... I thought about
carving some letters on the printer, but not sure which. I totally
overlooked the LED :-D

Generally, I think we could use more realistic feel for the 256x256
icons. Since they are that large, usability reasons for having
contrastive stroke lose weight in such size. Also the big canvas allows
us to display more details, perhaps even textures...


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