I just applied for membership for the art group in FAS. My existing 
contributions to Fedora artwork:
* I helped with fedoraflyinghigh-kdm-theme (the KDM port of the equivalent GDM 
theme) and did fedorainfinity-kdm-theme (KDM port of fedorainfinity-gdm-theme) 
essentially all alone.
* I also did some Bluecurve stuff:
- symlinks for bluecurve-icon-theme for KDE 4
- the Quarticurve stuff (qt4-theme-quarticurve, quarticurve-kwin-theme)
My plans for the future are to continue helping out with getting themes 
adapted/ported to KDE and with KDM theme design (as KDM now needs its own 
themes, we no longer have GDM themes to just port).

        Kevin Kofler

Fedora-art-list mailing list

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