On Wed, 2008-09-24 at 07:24 -0400, Jaroslav Reznik wrote:
> Hi Martin,
> thanks for this useful link. 
> We (KDE SIG) are trying to use Echo theme as default 
> for KDE but currently there are still some icons missing.
> We are preparing list of to-be-done icons. So can we 
> fill it as ticket for echo-icon-theme and edit Todo on
> Wiki?
> I really like Echo theme and it's amazing work from you
> and Art Team! Thank you!
> R.
I am not sure if we allowed write rights on wiki to everyone, but you
can send the list, when it's done, to the art-list or make a new ticket
for it, depends on what you prefer. I'll transfer it to the wiki then.

Thank you as well,

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