Ian Weller wrote:

You might want to use the MgOpen Modata font, as that's the font that
Fedora uses for pretty much everything in their designs. You can get it
installed by running
  yum install mgopen-fonts

Yeah, MgOpen Modata for the release number (10), disk title (x86 LiveCD) and for the url (fp.o). But the copyright text *may* be better (has to be tested) to stay with a plain font (Liberation, DejaVu) for readability.

nicu :: http://nicubunu.ro :: http://nicubunu.blogspot.com
Cool Fedora wallpapers: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro/wallpapers/
Open Clip Art Library: http://www.openclipart.org
my Fedora stuff: http://fedora.nicubunu.ro

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