On Fri, 2008-10-17 at 02:54 -0700, Luya Tshimbalanga wrote:
> Some calculators have similar keyboard.
> Added depth adn alignment to the grid should be fixed.
> Luya
> References:
> ----------------
> http://luya.fedorapeople.org/echo/applications/

To me, everything below 32x32 is almost unreadable. The side of the keys
is too dark and as a result outline gets lost there. Did you tried
making the key shape a little pyramid-like? I'd suggest to bring the
keys closer, or even join them together in the smallest sizes. The 16x16
really does not look at all like keyboard.

You could perhaps try classical approach - whole keyboard, with key
labels only on the 256x256 version. The shape is pretty easy to
recognise even at small sizes and details are not much necessary there,
you just need to make it look like keyboard ;-) You might even reuse
(with slight edits, more detailed 256x256 version and different oriented
16x16 version - top look on the keyboard) the keyboard from the computer

The a-few-keys approach might on the other side work good for input
method or shortcuts, but I'd make the keys more
computer/laptop-keyboard-like and perhaps even omit the text, which is
unreadable at small sizes.

Just for the record, in rawhide correct icon is used already


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